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3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money, fraud platform

In June 2022, I received a call from the UK, saying that I was in Xprestrade registered on this platform, as long as I deposit 250 dollars, there will be a special financial consultant who will operate the account on my behalf, and promise to make you money. no matter how you refuse, he will always deny you, just ask you to deposit. after depositing, this senior consultant claims that john will please use WhatsApp to contact him, and then please give him the account password; download any desk and say that while he is operating, you can monitor it. after a few operations, it will make money, and then he asks me to put more money into it, it can be operated to earn more, I doubt whether I can withdraw money, when I asked for a withdrawal, john first gave me 100 us dollars, and there was indeed a withdrawal. after that, he encouraged me to put more money, and after depositing more money, the value of the account also increased because of his transactions, so he continued to encourage me to put more money, and when I felt that I wanted to withdraw money, I directly applied for withdrawal. after waiting for 2 weeks, I still haven't returned to the bank, and I have been applying for withdrawals since then, but there is no follow-up, only a system letter saying that I have received a withdrawal application. I told john about this matter, and he said that because of the international shipping fee, he charged an extra fee of 2,310 us dollars for the withdrawal, so I found that there is a problem with this platform

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-02-23 21:59
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-02-23 21:59
Unable to Withdraw

Warn other people from this scam broker

I expose this public complaint to warn others that the same thing could happen to them, this supposed broker has all the setup of a normal broker, advisory calls, everything normal. At that time I did not know very well about the subject and I made the mistake of not investigating it well, I was advised at the beginning for a couple of months by Mrs. Maria Martinez, I left the tests of conversations via WhatsApp, when I already had some idea they assigned me another manager called esteban cardona who taught me a little more and configured me a very efficient internal boots that I supervised apart from the orders that I entered, little by little in a matter of 4 months I was uploading my account I started with a deposit of 250 usd then I entered 500 usd advised by maria to be able to risk a little more in my entry orders, conclusion with the help of the boots that made some very good orders of 7,400 with gold, 3,000 and 4,000 in oil, the account was raised in the last month to 19,000 usd , there I already requested withdrawal because they kept me waiting longer to manage a withdrawal when I raised the issue at the beginning due to lack of experience it was not abnormal, I could never make a withdrawal they always told me a something or other that I had to pay some commissions to download partial payments, they assigned me a last manager called ricardo, with many calls and explanations to make a minimum deposit of 250 usd to withdraw 5000 usd which never happened, be careful with this scam broker Don't keep cheating.

Colombia Colombia 2022-10-24 21:37
Colombia Colombia 2022-10-24 21:37
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money, there are a lot of reasons for withdrawing money

I have waited for a month to withdraw the money and it has not arrived yet. The customer service also said that the remittance will be charged an extra fee of more than 2,000 US dollars. This must be a scam, don’t fall into it

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-29 13:34
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-29 13:34
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