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32 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Scam. They don't let you withdraw. They steal from you right in front of you.

Do not invest in Libertex, it is a scam, they are bloodsuckers.

Colombia Colombia 2024-06-03 22:48
Colombia Colombia 2024-06-03 22:48


do not register under this broker. after complet register, u cannot sign in and never find the login page.

Malaysia Malaysia 2024-01-24 17:58
Malaysia Malaysia 2024-01-24 17:58

web is error

after register the web unable to open eror 404. first unable tu login, then after refresh the web, that web under eror 404

Malaysia Malaysia 2024-01-18 08:37
Malaysia Malaysia 2024-01-18 08:37

operation not performed

It's been more than a month and no technical answer about what happened. Lastly, they no longer respond to emails. The famous worst account advisor is not responsible for anything.

Ecuador Ecuador 2023-08-16 06:11
Ecuador Ecuador 2023-08-16 06:11
Unable to Withdraw

Scammed by libertex

It's been several months since I fell into the Libertex trap and they still haven't returned the money. I, like many, was the victim of calls at the moment to invest and see how your account remains at zero and then they tell you that there is no worry. And you deposit 5000 dollars and they recover everything and double the capital. They continue to rob you and the worst thing is that the Czech regulatory cysec does nothing but makes these criminals continue stealing. something has to be done... currently my account remains in zeros. Because even the last 500 usd that I consigned to try to save that last operation and which did not enter I used them for some operations in oil wti. They were in minus and after a while they also closed them, they said that due to expiration. It has never happened in etoro where I have lasted months with negative operations and they never close the account. So my account is left with 10 usd and now at 0 usd.

Colombia Colombia 2023-08-02 04:39
Colombia Colombia 2023-08-02 04:39

Operation not performed

On June 27, an operation that I never carried out appeared in my account. I made the respective claim and they told me that they had no responsibility since supposedly I had not taken care of the password. Then by insisting and indicating that I never lost or shared my password with anyone. They told me that the operation came from the same computer in which I performed the last operation, which was in the EUR/USD pair. It is clear that there was no loss of password. I closed the last operation at 8:42 p.m. and went to sleep with my phone. No one could have operated it because it has a password. And the operation was opened at 2 in the morning, a time when I was asleep like everyone else in the house.

Ecuador Ecuador 2023-07-28 05:53
Ecuador Ecuador 2023-07-28 05:53


On January 20 the advisor Jorge Robles scammed me 313 dollars. as I was learning he told me. Open this operation. And I was already more than 50 % in loss. Then he disappeared. Be careful with this gang of thieves.

Colombia Colombia 2023-05-19 07:54
Colombia Colombia 2023-05-19 07:54

Libertex scam

I wanted to explain what has happened so that I hope it does not happen again to anyone else and take the respective actions since they attempt against the good faith of the people who trust your company and your advisors. I signed up with a small amount because from the beginning what I wanted was to enter the stock market and in different pages it appeared that they operated with Amazon, Tesla etc. and I found it interesting, so far there was nothing strange and I subscribed. I was contacted by a lady with a Russian accent almost immediately to start investing and I told her that I did not know how to do it that for now I just wanted to do the registration until I learn myself to make transactions because I did not know or understand the page or how the system worked. She told me not to worry, that that was what she was there for and that she would tell me what to do and what to press. I did all this from my cell phone. She only told me "these shares are good, they are going to go up, press the amount button, enter 1000 dollars, press the TP button, put it in 30% and the AI button. That was all. As I didn't know what it was I listened to it because I understood that this is how it worked. As it did not work from my cell phone at that time to put the TP so high and also would not let me put the Ai because according to her "system failures" she told me to try from the computer. Even though I asked her what the SL was, she told me that it was not used and that I should just follow her instructions. 3. Great was my surprise when I saw that the 1000 dollars disappeared. 4. Then he asked me what I did for a living and I told him I was a doctor. At that moment he told me that there was a great opportunity and that if I deposited 10 thousand dollars they would give me 10% annual interest but only until that day, otherwise it could not be done, which was not bad at all, so I made the deposit even though that pressure did not seem good to me since he called me every 10 minutes to see if I had made the deposit or not.

Peru Peru 2023-04-18 12:04
Peru Peru 2023-04-18 12:04

Operation manipulation

Hello, my trades were manipulated to generate a big loss they placed a stop up at a price above the current price which will cause my trades to reach a total loss if it touches that price even being a buy trade, be careful with this broker.

Colombia Colombia 2023-04-03 16:54
Colombia Colombia 2023-04-03 16:54

Case: Farude Libertex

Good evening, my name is Luz Adriana Valencia, Libertex account #1811964528, I will relate my situation, after many calls from a Libertex advisor, I decided to invest, the advisor or account manager who attended me had the name Adriana, she never mentioned her last name, her email (, She had a Russian accent, I think, I could understand her Spanish, but I had to repeat many times because I could not understand, she was kind and very convincing, she was so insistent that she promised to give me a 25% bonus and monthly interest of 10%, if I invested $2,170 dollars. 170 dollars, that he was committed to give a high profitability and to recover that investment and more in 1 month maximum, unfortunately I decided to do it, I saw the proposal very tentative and I lent the 2.170 dollars, for which today I pay very high interests. On October 24 the 2,170 dollars were deposited in Libertex's account. 80 dollars, that same day she told me that they made me 4 calls a day, we programmed the platform and they taught me how to operate it, I expressed not having any experience or knowledge about it, but she told me that there was no problem, that the platforms had some insurance to operate and close the negotiation if it was the case, that she was going to be aware of the situation, that as I had no possibility to write her by whatsap because it was forbidden, I started the operation that same day and within an hour I had already lost an important sum, I did not know what to do, I wrote her and she did not answer, in my anguish I closed the operation so as not to lose more money and until the following day she called me and told me that I had misunderstood her and that instead of the product she had told me, I had placed another one, totally false, I had asked her to spell it out for me and those letters were the ones I used, she also told me not to worry that we would recover that day and that day was a disaster, she left me alone all day, she only called me once and I had to close again because I was losing, I closed with the account at 575 dollars, the next day nobody called me, and in the afternoon I went to enter the platform and my password was erased, even though I tried to reset it, she did not allow me to do so, So I wrote to her and she called me and told me that there was a complex situation with the platforms, to write to technical support and ask for a new one, I did it several times and nobody answered me, at the end of the afternoon, the password was reset and there were only 14 dollars, I do not understand why, if I did not operate because I did not have access, nobody answered me from that moment on they did not answer me again neither by mail nor did they call me again. They never complied with the 25% bonus and even less with the interest, I am seriously affected in my economic situation, seriously affected emotionally. I need help please, it is important that I get my money back, I feel cheated. Thank you.

Colombia Colombia 2023-03-07 05:34
Colombia Colombia 2023-03-07 05:34
Unable to Withdraw

Withholds funds ROBO

In December 2022 I made a recharge of $ 100 in this "broker" I made several operations and persi part of this money. Now I want to withdraw the rest of the money because I do not want to continue on the platform, but the platform does not allow me to withdraw. It asks me again and again for the same documents which I provide but they do not give me a clear answer. They are thieves, like any pyramid is very easy to enter money but puts millions of obstacles to withdraw.

Colombia Colombia 2023-03-03 18:24
Colombia Colombia 2023-03-03 18:24


In December 2022, I worked with Libertex for a month. Everything was normal and the profits were low, but beware, you already saw the case of a girl who was owed money and it happened that one day the same thing happened to me while I was looking at my MetaTrader 4 account, I had no active transaction, but Libertex he stole more than $2,900 from my mt4 account, which made the so-called "financial correction", the same way they cheat other users. my account is: 1813024886

Ecuador Ecuador 2023-02-04 01:34
Ecuador Ecuador 2023-02-04 01:34

5877 dollars stolen by Libertex (scam)

Everything is normal in Libertex until they debited me 5877 dollars I say debited when I should say they robbed me...... first they wouldn't let me withdraw for days until they finally made their fraudulent trading correction where they took my money and 6 months have passed and they haven't refunded me we will run away denouncing until they close the broker or give us our money back... I am ana patiño and my account is Libertex is: 1811510263

Ecuador Ecuador 2023-02-04 00:59
Ecuador Ecuador 2023-02-04 00:59

Libertex stole $2665 dollars from my portfolio in November 2022

I had come to libertex and the first few days everything was fine one day I saw that I was missing money in my portfolio I started to check and it turns out that libertex had removed 2665 dollars. I complained to support and to the platform and they told me that it was a financial correction ..... i never got my money back i had made this complaint to libertex LATAM and they removed the broker so i am republishing my complaint so that it does not go unpunished my account number is #1812448663 until my money is not returned i will not give up or delete my complaint libertex is a dangerous broker.

Ecuador Ecuador 2023-02-04 00:12
Ecuador Ecuador 2023-02-04 00:12

Mismanagement of invested money

Account management of this user is not recommended. it will burn your account. And then it doesn't respond. (And with the broker, withdrawals are discussed a lot. They say that there has been an error in the transfer.)

Colombia Colombia 2023-01-19 00:43
Colombia Colombia 2023-01-19 00:43
Unable to Withdraw

It won't let me withdraw my money

I have sent documentation countless times they ask you for photos with documents and everything but they are always rejected and leave you in a loop of sending and being rejected so they do not let you get your money even if they are taken with the best resolution and everything is clear They always reject them and I've been trying for a month with bank statements and so on but nothing works for them

Colombia Colombia 2023-01-17 22:22
Colombia Colombia 2023-01-17 22:22
Unable to Withdraw

Pay with a virtual card. It is impossible to withdraw, but

Help, how can I get my money back Mail sent to Libertex n times until the money disappeared. Good morning, I don't know how to make you understand.... 491626XXXXXXXXX It's a Virtual credit card, Virtual It doesn't exist physical, it exists, it's virtual I can't take a photo of a virtual one And even so they tell me to send a photo of both sides... No I understand... If it is not possible to withdraw money in libertx 1. I will take care of raising the complaint to the entities that regulate them. 2. I will have the networks, to ensure that withdrawing the money or making the return of the money by the same route or card that the purchase was made is impossible. 3. Although the platform as such is excellent, I will not put another dollar. Until someone with knowledge understands that it is one. digital card

Colombia Colombia 2023-01-13 10:20
Colombia Colombia 2023-01-13 10:20

The website cannot log in

Unable to withdraw like last month and same for today. Be careful with this platform.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-05-28 16:36
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-05-28 16:36
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The server of the app was of no response. Unavailable customer service. Unable to withdraw. It cheated my money.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-11-01 13:36
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-11-01 13:36


I deposited $400 but lost it due to the system operation.

Argentina Argentina 2021-09-22 08:18
Argentina Argentina 2021-09-22 08:18
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