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Unable to Withdraw

I was deceived. I'm really worried.

Like others, I opened an account with Kaerm IM, which was recommended by Mr. Kamiya, and made repeated investments.When I tried to withdraw money, I was suspected of money laundering and was told that I had to pay a fee to withdraw money. I can't withdraw money. I have consulted with the police and a lawyer, but it is a difficult situation because I have an overseas account.Please lend me your help.I applied last time, but I have not been able to contact them.I am really in trouble.I paid 6.8 million yen for the transaction and as a security deposit.

Japan Japan 2024-01-28 10:36
Japan Japan 2024-01-28 10:36
Unable to Withdraw

Please help me. Mr. Kamiya's study group investment scam/no contact.

Like others, I opened an account with Kaerm IM, which was recommended by Mr. Kamiya, and made repeated investments. When I tried to withdraw money, I was suspected of money laundering and was told that I had to pay a fee to withdraw money. I can't withdraw money. I have consulted with the police and a lawyer, but it is a difficult situation because I have an overseas account. Please lend me your help. I applied last time, but I have not been able to contact them. I am really in trouble. I paid 6.8 million yen for the transaction and as a security deposit.

Japan Japan 2024-01-16 14:58
Japan Japan 2024-01-16 14:58

Fraudulent group claiming to be Mr. Kamiya's investment group

a fraudulent group claiming to be mr. kamiya's investment group introduced " Kaerm IM i invested a total of 9.7 million yen in ``i made a profit, so after withdrawing about 3 million yen, i requested a withdrawal of the remaining amount of 13.85 million yen including the profit, but when i made a withdrawal request, it was found to be money laundering. to get rid of the suspicion, he lied and said that he would not be able to withdraw money unless he paid a deposit to the financial stability council of america (fsoc), and refused to accept the withdrawal. if so, what kind of organization is the ``fsoc financial stability council of america''? there is no way that the ``fsoc financial stability council of america'' would suspect me of money laundering, and i know that it is a lie meant to commit fraud. masu. he has told every lie he has ever told to deceive me, but his lies have been so childish that he has exposed all the lies. what was especially bad was that if you wanted to withdraw the amount remaining in your account, you would have to transfer it to the designated account (do) ag trust sumitomo mitsui banking corporation hibiya branch (regular 9084787) as a security deposit on a 50/50 basis. he uploaded a fabricated image that appeared to show that he had transferred money (the account number for the transfer was different) and tried to steal more money from me. i would appreciate your cooperation in returning at least the 6.7 million yen you invested. Kaerm IM (yamauchi, the person in charge) has been telling me lies that i can't explain, but once i tell them, there's no end to it. i will upload the image so please refer to it.

Japan Japan 2023-11-28 21:11
Japan Japan 2023-11-28 21:11

Regarding investment fraud in Mr. Kamiya's study group A5

The investment amount was 9.7 million yen, the withdrawal amount was approximately 3 million yen, and the actual amount of fraud damage was 6.7 million yen. Currently, I have $93,501 left in my account. I made an account with Kaerm IM, which was recommended by Mr. Kamiya, and made repeated investments. When I tried to withdraw the money, I was suspected of money laundering, so I made the withdrawal. I cannot withdraw money because I have to pay a fee to do so. *I was able to withdraw money twice in the past. So far, I have only made 6 deposits and 2 withdrawals, and I have not committed any fraudulent activity. I don't know why they are suspected of money laundering. That's twice. There are also many victims of fraud on the internet. I absolutely cannot forgive this. Please help us. Thank you.

Japan Japan 2023-11-16 18:38
Japan Japan 2023-11-16 18:38
Unable to Withdraw

Regarding investment fraud in Mr. Kamiya's study group A5

I opened an account with Kaerm IM, which Mr. Kamiya recommended, and made an investment. My profits have increased and I tried to withdraw money, but my withdrawals have been suspended due to suspicions of money laundering. It has also been stated that there will be a fee for withdrawals. When I looked it up on the internet, I found that there was a lot of damage caused by this, and I absolutely cannot forgive it. The amount of damage (actual investment amount was 6.7 million yen) and $95,301 remained in the account.

Japan Japan 2023-11-15 13:33
Japan Japan 2023-11-15 13:33

8.2 million Japanese yen, but I can't withdraw it because I'm suspected of money laundering.

I was forced to join Mr. Kamiya's investment group and fell victim to an FX investment scam. Sakura is also included in that group, and they pretend that they have made a profit and encourage further investment.

Japan Japan 2023-11-08 14:20
Japan Japan 2023-11-08 14:20
Unable to Withdraw

After the withdrawal procedure, it is still under review and cannot be withdrawn.

I processed the withdrawal on October 17th, and half a month has passed since it was still under review. When I tried the procedure again, I was told that the procedure could not be completed because it was under review. I sent an email to the inquiry address on the homepage, but it returned to me as an unknown address. I have lost contact with the person in charge and I am unable to withdraw money.

Japan Japan 2023-11-04 13:15
Japan Japan 2023-11-04 13:15
Unable to Withdraw

Faking AML and refusing to accept withdrawals

I was invited to a LINE group called ``Toshiyuki Kamiya's study group'' by a person named Takahiro Uemura from the investment information guide on Facebook. There, the members and a person calling himself Toshiyuki Kamiya were talking about the economic situation and stock prices, and a plausible conversation was taking place. Occasionally, veteran members would post screenshots of their daily lives. Mr. Kamiya also provided information on recommended stocks, and stock prices rose and the members were making profits. Eventually, when the Nikkei average started to fall, people asked me to provide FX guidance like I did last year. Some of the members said they wanted to see it for the first time, and one of the veteran members invited a man named Souta Yamauchi, who claimed to be from an overseas FX exchange. Accounts were opened one after another, and Mr. Kamiya individually instructed them on pair currencies, trading direction, and trading volume. Eventually, all the members who participated started making profits. It was my first time in FX, but I was drawn to the profits, so I opened an account with Mr. Yamauchi's guidance and deposited 200,000 yen in two installments. I ended up making hundreds of dollars in profits on every trade. Soon after, a man named Yoshinori Sugiyama, who was said to be a great teacher, appeared on the scene. Mr. Sugiyama will now provide direct guidance. I asked to participate, but Mr. Kamiya told me that I had too little money to take the risk. I was wondering if I should add more funds, but I decided not to do so for the time being. By the way, the profits of the members around me at that time were tens of thousands of dollars. I didn't make any additional investments based on what I was looking for. My profit was about $1,000, so I applied for a withdrawal of $300 and the amount was transferred to my account at an exchange rate of 149 yen. However, I got scared and did some research and found out that there is a lot of fraud going on. When I applied to withdraw all my funds, Mr. Yamauchi informed me that withdrawals had been suspended due to suspicions of money laundering. It was explained that in order to cancel, withdrawals would be possible after 2 weeks had passed after completing 30 more transactions. It is strange that transactions can continue despite being suspected of AML, so I checked overseas dispute resolution organizations and found that they state that complaints must be filed within 45 days of the incident. I saw. It was obvious that I was running out of time, so I did some research and found this site.

Japan Japan 2023-11-01 11:24
Japan Japan 2023-11-01 11:24
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