Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

3 pieces of exposure in total


On the grounds of illegal IEO arbitrage, yao'qiu'jiao'na high late fees and financial institution code fees, etc.

I recently met a person who claimed to be from the United States and was engaged in currency trading through X. It was recommended to register on the platform: and then this person also recharged 12,000 yuan into my account to get the reward. Recently, I saw that I had made a profit, so I wanted to withdraw the currency. The platform sent me an email to inform me that arbitrage was illegal during the IEO and that I was restricted from paying a fine of 10,067 USDT within 24 hours, and then the account could withdraw coins. If the late payment fee is not paid on time. Forced to have no choice, this person and I spent 4 days raising funds to pay the fine. After the platform informed us that because we were overdue, we needed to pay a late fee of 7.5% of the total daily penalty account amount, which is 3938 USDT (limited to 48 hours). After paying the late fee, the account can be withdrawn freely. If you do not pay on time, you will be charged a daily late payment fee of 5% of the total account amount, and you will have no choice but to purchase coins to pay. I thought I could withdraw coins to pay back to my credit card, but I was told that I could not withdraw coins without a financial institution code and that I needed to pay an additional 2,000 USDT financial institution code fee (limited to 24 hours). I couldn't bear it, so I asked the platform for help. The above deduction funds flow only shows deposits and no deduction records. This is the customer service email. Customer service link,

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-12-20 21:57
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2023-12-20 21:57


They scammed me through telegram. Making deposit after deposit

Guatemala Guatemala 2023-07-15 11:09
Guatemala Guatemala 2023-07-15 11:09
Unable to Withdraw


I was scammed by Xtrade. I invested 200 dollars. In the first week, the operations closed with a small profit, and then with very large losses until I ran out of capital.

Argentina Argentina 2021-12-20 10:45
Argentina Argentina 2021-12-20 10:45
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