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Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money

For more than two months, they said seriously that the money would be withdrawn successfully at the latest on December 15th. But as of today, I have not received the money. They do not give reasonable answer. There is no integrity.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-16 17:42
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-16 17:42

The withdrawal was unavailable during National Day

The withdrawal was said to be delayed to December 15th.I still haven’t received the fund yet for 2 months.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-15 23:03
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-15 23:03
Unable to Withdraw

Money was withdrawn two months ago but has not yet arrived

In June this year, I deposited 4,000 US dollars in XCOQ and the trading account 630240. I lost a great deal and less than a thousand dollars left. In October, the platform announced to withdraw from the Chinese market, and asked the investor to close orders out and withdraw money. But my balance has been deducted while I have not received the money until now. The customer service personnel said the money would arrive at most on December 15th, and the mail also showed the same date. But the money has not been received, and they don’t reply my email in recent days. They customer service personnel make no answer. Is it ready to run. I have lost so much, and they still do not allow me to withdraw the rest small money

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-15 01:49
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-12-15 01:49
Unable to Withdraw

XCOQ delayed my withdrawal for a month. Seems they are ready to abscond!

XCOQ delayed my withdrawal for a month. Seems they are ready to abscond! They said they would process all withdrawal requests in three periods: October 15, November 15 and December 15. But none of us received our money until today, November 21.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-22 00:11
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-22 00:11

They are ready to abscond. I can’t withdraw.

They are ready to abscond. I’ve lost so much and I can’t withdraw my rest $1000 or so.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-21 20:06
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-11-21 20:06
Unable to Withdraw

My $130000 withdrawal on XCOQ on August 30th didn’t arrive until now.

My $132579.5 withdrawal on XCOQ on August 30th didn’t arrive until now. All my trading activities are legit. As far as I know, all their clients can’t withdraw. They said it was because of third-party problems. On September 14th they told me they will give me the money on 21th and give me a 5% compensation. But they didn’t. Today is 25th and I still can’t receive my money. Give my money back!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-09-26 19:08
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2018-09-26 19:08
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