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Multibank · Company Summary

General Information

Multibank Inc. started operations as Multi Credit Bank in 1990. With more than 20 years of experience as a banking entity, Multibank is the main subsidiary of Multi Financial Group, prominent Panamanian group with more than 45 years in the financial business, organization with branches and offices with presence in Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia and a representative office in Peru.Multibank Inc offers loans, credit cards, deposits, leasing, savings and checking accounts services. Its products are in the business lines of personal, corporate and international banking. In 2007 it changed its name to Multibank, Inc. Headquarters: Edificio Prosperidad No. 127, Via Espana Panama City; Panama City; Postal Code: 0823-05627.

Services & Products

Multibank Inc offers a wide catalog of services including Investments (Such as Shares, Funds, Bonds, among others), International Trade, e-Commerce (24/7 sales availability), Money Orders and Transfer, Foreign Currency Service, Management Checks and Certificates as well as Online Bank.

Personal Bank

Saving accounts

Saving accounts include Regular account (Opening from $ 50, Up to 1.00% annual interest rate), Multi-saving Plus (Opening from $ 1,000, Up to 2.00% annual interest rate), Diamond Plus (Opening from $ 5,000, Up to 2.00% annual interest rate). Multiplan (Scheduled deposits of $ 25 to $ 750 per month, interest rate of up to 5% per annum), Navibank (Opening amount from $ 20, Up to 2.50% annual interest rate), Multikids (Opening from $ 15, Up to 1.50% annual interest rate).

Loan Solutions

People can use a series of loan solutions through this platform, including Mortgage Loans ($ 500 bond for homes under $ 130,000, $ 1,000 bond for homes over $ 130,000, $ 1,500 bond for homes over $ 225,000, Transfer and consumption loan – CasaPlus) Personal Loans, Auto Loans (The salary in the metro area is $ 700 and in the interior it is $ 600).

Commercial Bank

Multibank Inc offers a series solutions including Business Loans, Lines of Credit and Payment to Suppliers, Interim Construction, Factoring, Structured Financing, Vehicle Fleet Financing, Leasing.

Customer Support

Clients who need help can contact Multibank‘s customer support team through online bank, or via telephone exchange (+507 217 5400) or directly going to Multibank’s branches.

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