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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

Max Market FX Ltd

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


Rating Index

The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Company Name

Max Market FX Ltd.

Company Abbreviation

Max Market FX Ltd

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website

Pyramid scheme complaint


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-06-08
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 10 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

The customer service is lying. The account has 65819USD. The customer service who cooperate with the GSM disappeared for no reason.

However, the customer service of MAX is still deceiving people, always saying that there is a tax of 80,624 yuan to be paid before the money can be withdrawn. After the payment is completed, a remittance fee of TWD 50,000 must be paid. Really deceived

2022-09-20 01:18

Don't let me withdraw money and ask me to deposit

Hello sir, your account has been detected by the financial management that part of funds in your account are not deposit by you, and the flow of funds is too large. In order to prevent money laundering, tax avoidance, tax evasion, overseas asset transfer and other suspicions, the system has closed your withdrawal function since today. According to the financial management regulations, your withdrawal order requires you to pay the non-self-deposited amount of funds in your account as the self-certified funds for the withdrawal of funds. (non-self-deposited amount of funds will returned after completion within 3 working days) and restore the normal withdrawal of your account. According to the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations of the Financial Management Regulations, the principle of one person, one household is adhered to in order to resist financial money laundering. The funds have been frozen and need to be re-stored in the bank account under your own name, and the original funds will be returned to the original remittance account. You need to store 430,000 New Taiwan dollars. This fund is not your own stored value. You need to store the value yourself before you can restore the withdrawal function. If you do not process it within 3 working days, your trading account will be freezed forever

2022-06-27 17:47
Unable to Withdraw

Please stay away

They say they are helping us build a solid diversified portfolio but all they do is conn you out of more money. Their system wouldn't let me withdraw my deposits let alone the profit so i knew the only way to harm them is request for refund that later came under fintrack/org authority and to continue posting my bad experience in an attempt to decrease the potential of them scamming more people. I advise you don't deal with Max MarketFx as they do not honor their promises.

2022-06-30 13:45

Unable to withdraw and has to make up. They start to threaten me after exposure

Hello, sir. We inquired about the remarks you published against our company. If you do not withdraw it, we will sue you. Your last withdrawal was also received. This is also the evidence of your withdrawal. Okay, we will sue you tomorrow. The impact of your work and family will be borne by you at 09:23 a.m. Hello, Mr. MAX Online Customer Service, your account has been detected by financial management that the funds in your account are not stored in your account, and the flow of funds is too large. In order to prevent money laundering, tax avoidance, and tax evasion, The transfer of overseas assets and other suspicions will start today. The system has closed your withdrawal function. According to the financial management regulations, your withdrawal order requires you to pay the non-self-stored funds in your account as the self-certified funds for the withdrawal of funds. Return the original stored value account within 3 working days) and restore the normal withdrawal of your account. 09:26 a.m. MAX Online Customer Service According to the Financial Management Regulations Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, in order to resist financial money laundering, the principle of one person, one account is adhered to. The funds have been frozen and need to be re-stored in the bank account under your own name, and the original funds will be returned to the original remittance account. At 09:27 amm, MAX online customer service needs you to store 430,000 New Taiwan dollars. This fund is not your own stored value. You need to store the value yourself before you can restore the withdrawal function. 09:34 am MAX online customer service is based on financial management regulations. The money laundering regulations stipulate that in order to resist financial money laundering, adhere to the principle of one person, one account. 09:35 am MAX Online Customer Service The funds you paid will be returned to your trading account after the review is completed.

2022-06-28 17:42

    Max Market FX Ltd · Company Summary

    Registration U.K.
    Regulated No effective supervision
    Years of establishment 2-5 years
    trading products unknown information
    Minimum Initial Deposit unknown information
    maximum leverage unknown information
    minimum spread unknown information
    trading platform unknown information
    Deposit and withdrawal method unknown information
    customer service e-mail
    Fraud Complaint Exposure have

    Note: At present, because the company's official website ( cannot be opened normally, we can only have a rough understanding Max Market FX Ltd Case.


    Screen capture time: 01/06/2023

    What WikiFX provides is a dynamic score, which will track the dynamic real-time score of the broker. The score captured at the current time does not represent the past and future scores.

    General Information and Regulations

    Max Market FX LtdRegistered in the UK, currently appears to be a scam broker without any reliable oversight and has not been around for more than 5 years. Unfortunately, we could not find any more detailed information about this broker on the internet. Therefore, we recommend that you do not start trading with such low-information brokers, be sure to consult wikifx and have at least a basic understanding of a broker.

    When choosing a foreign exchange broker, you should know that a regulatory license does not necessarily guarantee the reliability of the broker, because it may be an expired or cloned regulatory license, but a broker without any regulatory license is likely to be Unreliable.

    Customer Support

    Max Market FX LtdThe support services offered by the company are not very extensive. It can only be accessed by email. Since the company's website is not currently live, we don't know if it offers other services such as live chat, callback, FAQs, 24/7 or 24/5 assistance, etc.

    Below are details about customer service.


    user exposure

    On our site, you can see that some users have reported scams. Please be careful and cautious when investing. You can check out our platform to find out before trading, if you have come across such a fraudulent broker or have been a victim of one, please let us know in the exposure section, we will be very grateful and our team of experts will do everything possible solve the problem for you.


    common problem

    Is this broker regulated?

    No, it is not currently regulated effectively and you are advised to be aware of its potential risks.

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    Write a review

    more than one year
    Depositing was smooth, but trying to withdraw from Max Market FX Ltd turned into a nightmare. Unresponsive customer service, dubious tax demands, and freezing tactics make it feel like a scam.
    2023-12-19 19:46
    A 外汇投资理财 ~熊超17388205186
    more than one year
    Sure enough, the website couldn't get in. . . I deposited $1,500 on this platform in December last year, and I was thinking of earning more. Unexpectedly, shortly after the deposit, they said that there was a problem with my account and needed maintenance. My friend told me that I must have been scammed, and this platform has completely disappeared.
    2022-12-13 15:51
    more than one year
    scam group
    2022-10-28 22:51
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