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14 pieces of exposure in total


I just discovered that the Gol

I just discovered that the Gold order I followed some time ago turned out to be a scam! Professionals gather groups, and some people in the group share their profits and induce us to open an account with the agent they cooperate with. Many people have never traded Forex. It was said that it would lead everyone's income to triple, and then we opened accounts and deposited money. Gold has a fixed spread of 50 and cannot be changed. Profitable orders will be notified to sell out as soon as they make a slight profit. Instead, add positions to the losing orders. So positions are liquidated. In just 7 days, they lead us to click farming crazily. Lost 150 thousand.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-05-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-05-15

Black platform, no agency commission will be given, no withdrawal will be allowed when the contract expires.

The client who opened an agent account has been trading normally for some time. The withdrawal has been refused for various reasons. The platform has already deducted the money but it wasn't credited to my account.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-01-03
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2024-01-03

A blood-sucking platform, I lost 1.5 million, and the trading account did not allow me to log in. Contacting the customer service of the platform is just an excuse

In this platform l lost 1.5 million. On the morning of July 17, 23, I could still log in to the trading account, but I couldn’t log in at noon. I contacted customer service and they kept refusing. This is a black platform.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-07-19
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-07-19

Selling customer privacy, depositing money for private protection, proxy fraud.

SinoSound's agent urges people to open an account and deposit money, and wants to treat customers. The customer is cautious and ignores it. SinoSounds sells the customer's order information to the agent, so that the agent has a reason to say that the customer will lose money due to improper operation, and hand it over to the agent. Said 55%, and the descendants lost 3700+ US dollars in my account for ten days, and then asked me to recharge and solve the problem, I didn't believe it. SinoSound is also a variety of different private accounts. There is serious fraud and money laundering on the SinoSound platform. I hope everyone will not be deceived. I hope justice will give the victims justice.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-30

Invite people to open account. All orders are losing and ask you to make up it

Hansheng induces people to open a gold account, deposit money into a private account, and then induces the account to be handed over to the operator. 100% liar. confirmed

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-29
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-29

click farming fraud

In April, I just opened an account in less than a month, and the funds were 600,000 yuan, and I was liquidated. They said that the teacher lead the order, and I was deceived. I didn’t have time to manage it some time ago. Now I hear from friends that this is illegal in the mainland.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-04
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-04
Unable to Withdraw

The deposits are tramsferred to personal accounts in SinoSound

This platform is a ddelaing desk. Don't invest here cuz it hasn' been regulated by Chinese regulators.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-11
Unable to Withdraw

Can't trade or withdraw. The customer service keep s hrinking and don't help me slove the problem

Unable to withdraw or trade. The agent is out of contact. Customer service keeps shrinking. The official account I followed before is closed.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-15
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I can’t withdraw after profiting here. Don't invest here.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-11

Can't withdraw the commissions

Can't withdraw the commissions. Fraud. the withdrawal doesn't arrive. What a rip-off!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-09-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-09-13

SinoSound withheld my commission and sheltered its agent.

I am an agent of SinoSound. After my clients made profits, SinoSound gave no access to my commission and even banned their trading.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-07-22
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-07-22


SinoSound gave no access to withdrawal and paltered with you. It is simply a fraud. Don’t be cheated.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-06-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-06-11

The platform blackmailed clients’ 1.6 million by virtual market and manipulation of their accounts.

In July 2018,the company staff opened an account for me and operated it for me in August,while I have been made losses for several months. Every time I lost, he all had the confidence to make it back. I deposited the fund for 8 consecutive times and eventually lost 1.6 million RMB. From January, I called the police and made complaints on the company,while the company kept shirking the agency responsibility. I have repeatedly called and send emails to the company, asking the company to investigate and refund the income of fraud.The company kept shirking,saying that the research has not responded.The manager who contacted me in the early stage disappeared.Having no idea,I went to Hong Kong Hanshen and its receptionist said that she should ask for management and reply in a week.But I could only stay in Hong Kong for 1 week.There is no sincerity and word of mouth to solve the problem.I went to the police station to report to the police, CGSE, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority namely. Exposure again!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-06-04
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-06-04

The company’s people deliberately made me lose 1600000 RMB to earn commissions.

I opened an account and started to trade in July 2018. They took over my account in August but made me lose for several months. Every time they said they could recover the loss. I lost altogether 1600000 RMB. The company didn’t reply to my complaint.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-01-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-01-30
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