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2021-04-05 06:37 نشر في المكسيك المكسيك


Im from Mexico and a couple of Chinese guys tried to scammed me by saying that they would teach me how to invest. I contacted them through a dating app. It was weird since they looked both pretty attractive and smart and educated. Dont know how do they manage to appear in Mexico or if they really were here ever. However, it was surprising for me the will they have to teach me to invest and the interest shown with no visible interest behingd.. One of them addressed me to Furion Global as his "trustable" broker. I made a transaction of 50 usdt as a tryout to see how it would work but the insistence of the chinese guy of making me rich with no benefit on his side still sounded very unereal and filantropic. So I decided to do some research and here we are, not being scammed yet. I may have lost 50 usdt but at least I have the rest of my money with me (he asked me to start with at least 5000 usd to support possible losses and transaction risks). I have invested and learned about bitcoins but they are still in my accoount. I could leave you pic of the guys but maybe they used pics of some actors or important guys in Asia that I dont know. By the way, I claimed my 50usdt back and she FURION still doesn't deposit back in my account. I was unble to withdraw them.

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