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2021-03-24 15:34 نشر في الهند الهند

Unable to withdraw money from my Mt4 account with UEE International Limited directly to my private bank account.

At first I tried to withdraw money after investing. But after 2-3 times of withdrawal the agent or the broker says we have a limit for withdrawal. Now the broker does not take my calls or answer on WhatsApp.I even asked for a written confirmation or a set of rules where its written that there is a limit for withdrawal but the broker does not have an answer to it.If I try to withdraw the money the money is transferred to this UEE international limited instead of transferring to my bank account. (This was when I could contact the broker) The broker says I need to upgrade my account to VIP for unlimited withdrawals for which I will have to invest $50000.The website is ueeforex.net and CRM: user.ueeforecx.netPlease help me resolve this so that I can get my money back.And after that I would also like to close the MT4 account with UEE international Limited.Looking forward for your help to resolve my problem.Thanks in advance.

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