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2021-02-03 06:54 نشر في الولايات المتحدة الولايات المتحدة

difficulty in withdrawing

On impulse I invested a token to try out trading on their platform. I then traded with them for months with a huge amount. When I asked for a withdrawal life got difficult! Like other reviewers, I was swamped with phone calls and emails encouraging me to trade and they are good talker. they asked me to pay withdrawal fee/commission. In addition I had to provide passport and credit card I.D., a utility bill etc. The whole thing was a nightmare. This is a company belonging to the Magnum group, with FAKE address and not register to any regulatory body. don’t trust this company with your money. with your proof of payment, write to financialrecovery.tech and file a complaint to help you get your withdrawal issues sorted and get your money back. NEW HONGSHENG LIMITED is not to be trusted, you will keep losing funds because they are banking on showing you losing trades and moving away with your funds afterwards.

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