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2021-01-02 22:36 نشر في أستراليا أستراليا

TATE PRIME SCAM - A girl from Dating website approached me - Shark Tank !

If you happen to meet someone from a dating website or Facebook talking about online trading - BEWARE! They will lead you to one of the scammer trading platforms (i.e. Tateprime.com) often not regulated and short stay. It starts with a friendly conversation, she shared with me some of her personal family photos and personal stories to gain my trust, eventually, she tells me how successful she was due to your online trading, then next thing she entrusts me with your login and asks me to give it a few trades myself, I can see why she is making so much money. Then she tells me, I can be the same as her if I trust her guidance, she only wants to help me improve my life and circumstances. She asks me to put in some small deposits since I trusted her, so I did. To register an account, I was introduced to a customer service staff named David via What's App (+601115782879- seems like a Malaysian number) They got my ID and address as part of the process, they have given me my MT4 login but intentionally never provide me my backend withdrawal login. David demand I paid 12% commission before withdraw, which I did once. after that he comlain I was trading during the withdraw process and demand another lot of commission payment, I was already broke. Now my trading account is frozen, no data feed on my MT4. Total Lost $65,000.

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