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2020-10-06 06:06 نشر في البرازيل البرازيل

Unable to withdrawal my money

The most unprofessional and ridiculous situation I had with a broker. I was contacted by Gabriel Diaz, a business manager in USGFX, an UK broker regulated by FCA and VFSC, to test their account and open a MAM account. He induced me to deposit 1000$, where before i made de deposit i asked about the fees to deposit and withdrawal the answer was 'Theres no fee' ( following the screenshot from our conversation ). Well, i made the deposit and was no fee; i operate on their platform who use plugins agains costumers and when i request the withdrawal came the surprise. I was being charge a deposit fee of 49.34$ PLUS a withdrawal fee of 9.96$, total of 59.30$. BIG SCAM EVER. Will never operate on this platform again and never recommend to anyone. Shame for such a new broker. For my surprised i was also contact from another guy, Mike, via Telegram which i asked the same question, just to make sure about the fees. Following their answer.There we go all the pictures so you guys be aware of this UNPROFESSIONAL broker and team =)

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