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2020-09-29 06:41 نشر في سنغافورة سنغافورة

scam plattform

I was introduced to this platform after knowing a woman in Linkedin. Her profile seemed genuine as a representative in Huangzhou representing the brand "inglemirepharm" called "英树". https://www.linkedin.com/in/%E4%BA%91%E7%90%AA-%E8%A8%80-44a90b1a3Sacreda Ring 1 Limited seemed genuine at first. After you put in more money, soon you will find yourself not able to withdrawal anymore. She disappeared from blocked me from both LinkedIn and WhatsApp. Different from most scammer, they seemed educated and knows the market and would even allow you to withdraw your initial deposit but that's the trick to get your trust to put in more money and they finally not giving you anything back. It's sad to know that they are from a certain country and away from the arms of law. Please report to police to built a case. Hopefully, someday justice will be done.

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