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2020-08-24 07:32 نشر في جمهورية التشيك جمهورية التشيك

SCAM eig (What should I do? Pleas help me!)

Write me support:Hello!Dear 31630xxxx customer, it has been verified that your account has earned more than 10000 percent.You need to recharge 30 percent of the existing amount of $628073.29 in your account. You need to deposit another $188421.98.Your account is now frozen.After the deposit arrives you will be upgraded to EIG gold customer.We will provide the best service.Please contact us if you have any questions.Wish you a happy life!-----------I'm writing to support:Hello,Why did you freeze my account? I have provided you with every document you wanted and there are more than $ 775,000 in my account.Nowhere is it stated that 30% would have to be paid before withdrawal.It looks like a big scam.I trade on many exchanges, including Binance, but I have not experienced such behavior anywhere.So let me know 1) Why did you freeze my account? 2) Why do I have to send 30% of my balance?Because I dont unerstand it. What should I do? Pleas help me!

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