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2020-07-23 17:16 نشر في سنغافورة سنغافورة

Hacked into my MT4 account and empty all my profit

After my last trade led by teacher Zhang 张德林 on 21 July 2020 at 9:50pm, I could no longer log back into my MT4 account after several attempts. I suspected something went wrong and so I went to login to the backoffice or system account of HTFX and found out a lot of unauthorized trades were performed with my knowledge. I believed this is an insider job as my password is 12characters long and I never disclose my password to anyone. The whole purpose as I watched before my eye that night was to empty all my profit by either sell or buy and immediately closed the order on GDH product. Each lot cost me $40 in a commission paid to the broker. So started with 100lots and gradually to smaller lots till my account run of margin. I called teacher Zhang and his assistant but no reply. HTFX has no 24hours customer hotlines and I have written several emails to HTFX but no response from them either. I lost a total of US$126,000. I demand an audit trail from HTFX if you seeing this. I will file a police report against HTFX.

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