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Financial Markets Authority

Year 2011Regulated by Government

The Financial markets Authority (FMA) is a New Zealand government agency responsible for enforcing securities, financial reporting and company law as they apply to financial services and securities markets. The FMA also regulates securities exchanges, financial advisers and brokers, auditors, trustees and issuers - including issuers of KiwiSaver and superannuation schemes. It jointly oversees designated settlement systems in New Zealand, with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). FMA is a member of New Zealand’s Council of Financial Regulators.

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Danger Unauthorized
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2022-10-17
  • Reason for punishment The website operator is not registered in New Zealand to provide financial services in New Zealand and/or from a place of business in New Zealand.
Disclosure details

Cedar Financial Limited in breach of New Zealand financial markets legislation

17 October 2022 Cedar Financial Limited in breach of New Zealand financial markets legislation FMA are concerned that Cedar Financial Limited (Cedar) that operates the website is falsely claiming to be a New Zealand based company and is operating in breach of New Zealand financial markets legislation. We received a report from a member of the public who was unable to withdraw funds invested with this entity. The person was required to pay $1,050 for an “insurance deposit” and a further $750 in order to process funds withdrawal from their trading account. The New Zealand address listed on its website belongs to a New Zealand registered company with the same name Cedar Financial Limited (NZBN: 9429042502296). The New Zealand registered company has confirmed that they are not associated with Cedar or its website. Further, Cedar is providing financial services that require them to be registered as a financial service provider in New Zealand. We note that Cedar is not registered and therefore it is not permitted to provide financial services in New Zealand and/or from a place of business in New Zealand. Entity name: Cedar Financial Limited Email: Website:
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Trust Dillon – Imposter website
Trust Dillon Limited

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