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2024-03-11 14:00 Released in Salvador Salvador


About 6 weeks ago I invested in a platform called Premium Vent - Financial Service, supposedly it is valid in Australia and offers you different investment plans from $200, $10,000 plan, 30,000 plan, I started with a $220 cryptocurrency that promised to wait 5 days to refund 5% of my total investment, of course I did it after 5 days, I reinvested what I had earned and increased $600 more, again I left it for 5 days, after those 5 days I made a withdrawal of $50, where It was super easy, it quickly arrived in my Binance account, a big mistake I made, I reinvested with what I earned plus what I deposited, and then I waited 5 more days and increased the investment. I foolishly did it, and it was expensive for me to increase it by $1,200 more because I wanted to get to plan B that they offer where you earn 10% each day of the total investment, in this plan it is supposed to be only 4 days, and at certain 5 pm my country time you received an email saying that your wallet investment had been completed and you had to enter your Premium Vent - Financial Service account and review your profit, as I had already withdrawn $50 dollars weeks ago that day I had planned to withdraw all the money since it would be like $5000 dollars, but two hours Before the withdrawal was completed, I received an email from customer service explaining that I had to put down $1,540 to pay the Australian government taxes for being an investor, and that if I did not make that payment within 48 hours, my deposited money would remain static and I couldn't remove it. Indeed, there I realized that it was a scam. I tried to make 3 withdrawals with different figures and the system wouldn't let me. moral; Do not trust any platform that tells you that you can earn such high percentages in one day, after this I watched so many videos that unfortunately I did not see before investing, this has cost me so much...

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


hace mas o menos 6 semanas inverti en una plataforma llamada Premium Vent - Financial Service, supuestamente esta validad en australia te propone diferentes planes de inversion desde $200 , plan de $10,000, plan de  30,000 , yo inicie con criptomoneda de $220 que me prometia esperar 5 dias para reitegrarme el 5% de mi total de inversion, por supuesto que lo hise a los 5 dias reinverti lo que tenia ganado y aumente $600 mas, nuevamente lo deje por 5 dias, despues de esos 5 dias realize una retirada de $50 , donde fue super facil rapidamente llego a mi cuenta de binance, error grande que cometi volvi a darle reinvertir con lo ganado mas lo que deposite,y despues espere 5 dias mas y aumente la inversion tontamente lo hise, y me salio caro aumente por $1200 mas porque queria llegar a el plan b que ellos ofrecen donde ganas el 10% cada dia de el total de inversiona, en este plan se supone que es de solo 4 dias, y a ciertas 5 pm hora de mi pais te llegaba un correo diciendo que tu billetera de inversion se habia completado y que tenias que ingresar a tu cuenta de Premium Vent - Financial Service y revisar tu ganancia, como ya habia retirado $50 dolares semanas atras ese dia tenia pensado retirar todo el dinero ya que seria como $5000 dolares, pero dos horas antes que se cumpliera el retiro me llega un correo de atencion al cliente explicandome que tenia que poner $1540 para pagar los impuestos de el gobierno de australia por ser inversora, y que si no hacia ese pago en 48 horas, mi dinero ingresado quedaria estatico y no lo podria retirar. efectivamente alli me di cuenta que era estafa . intente hacer 3 retiros con cifras diferentes y el sistema no me dejo. moraleja ; no confie en ninguna plataforma que te dice que puedes ganar porcentajes tan altos en un dia, despues de esto vi tantos videos que lastimosamente no vi antes de invertir esto me ha salido tan caro... 

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