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2023-11-02 18:08 Released in Mexico Mexico


To whom it may concern... I was robbed, scammed, outraged... Interested in the financial world, I trusted this bloker, and it is unfortunate that there are people who take advantage of people like me, who in seeking a good future is a matter of income, saving hard to achieve an investment and that right off the bat these HDPs took it, investing 990°°Dls and in a matter of hours they left me with nothing and even with a debt to the bloker, my account was clearly manipulated because the movements made as much as The closures are something that I have never done, upon noticing this fact, I started to call them send imei and they never responded, when they left my account at zero they started to send me imei that I should make movements in my operations but that it will not close anything, something that already I still miss more if I understood their game and was clearly aware that it had been stolen, I felt a very great disappointment, apart from being able to recover what was stolen, it is good that they can alert others, because while one looks for new ways to change one's standard of living with a job difficult, this HDP takes advantage of you.... They put positive comments in FORUMS like this to confuse potential investors, but they are a FRAUD..... Without further ado, for now, I appreciate your attention, I am waiting for a prompt and good answer.


The following is the original recommendation


Aquien corresponda...

Fui robado ,estafado,ultrajado...
Interesado en el mundo finaciero confíe en este bloker , y es lamentable que aya personas que se aprovechan de gente como yo , que por buscar un porvenir bueno es cuestión a ingresos, ahorrando arduamente para lograr una inversión y que de buenas a primeras estos HDP se lo queden , invertir 990°°Dls y en cuestión de horas me dejaron sin nada e incluso con un adeudo al bloker, mi cuenta claramente fue manipulada pues alos movimientos echos tanto como los cierres son cosa que yo jamás hice , al notar dicho echo, empecé a llamarles enviar imei y jamas respondieron, al dejar mi cuenta en ceros empezaron a enviarme imei de que que hiciera movimientos en mis operación pero que no cerrará nada , cosa que ya avían echo más si entendí su juego y claro consiente de que avía sido robado sentí una decepción muy grande ,fuera de poder recuperar lo robado que bien que puedan alertar alos demás , pues mientras uno busca nuevas formas de cambiar de nivel de vida con un trabajo arduo, esto HDP se aprovechan de uno....
Ponen comentarios positivos en FOROS como este para confundir a los potenciales inversores, pero son un FRAUDE....
Sin mas de momento , agradezco la atención, quedando a espera de una pronta y buena respuesta ...

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