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2022-07-21 15:53 Released in Indonesia Indonesia

IBF Market week Fraud

I was at a loss by this broker team. the address of the broker is in the Sunday market, please investigate so that the person in prison is imprisoned. I lost a lot of money and my account was played by the IBF trader Please help me to catch on behalf of the great who works at the IBF Sunday market ITS Tower, I have been scammed. made sweet promises, apparently my money was lost. I still have the phone number of this scammer and the photo of the culprit who tricked me. please help to follow up [d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d] (085156763863) Fraudster Office address Niffaro Park, ITS Tower, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No. 18, RT.1/RW.1, Pejaten Timur. district. Ps. Sunday, South Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12510. 9th floor office no. 3 ( ) I was blackmailed by someone who worked at IBF on behalf of Agung. was promised a big profit opportunity but my money just disappeared, less than 3 months was gone. they only look for commissions from traded transactions when I want my money to be held on the grounds that there must be a letter of agreement between the account owners. even though the account I use is a personal account.


The following is the original recommendation

IBF Pasar minggu Penipuan

Saya di rugikan oleh tim broker ini.
alamat brokernya di pasar minggu, mohon untuk di usut agar oknumnya di penjarakan. uang saya hilang banyak dan akun saya di mainkan oleh pihak trader IBF

Tolong bantu saya untuk menangkap atas nama agung yg kerja di IBF pasar minggu ITS Tower, saya telah di tipu.
di buat janji-janji manis ternyata uang saya di hilangkan. Saya masih menyimpan nomor telefon penipu ini dan foto pelaku yg menipu saya. mohon bantuannya agar di tindak lanjuti [d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d][d83d][de2d] (085156763863) Penipu

Alamat kantor
Niffaro Park, ITS Tower, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No. 18, RT.1/RW.1, Pejaten Timur. Kec. Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12510. Lantai 9 kantor No. 3
( )
Saya di peras oleh oknum yang kerja di IBF atas nama Agung. di janjikan peluang keuntungan yg besar namu uang saya hilang begitu saja tidak sampai 3 bulan sudah hilang. mereka hanya mencari komisi dari transaksi yang di perdagangkan ketika saya ingin wd uang saya di tahan dengan alasan harus ada surat perjanjian antar pemilik rekening. padahal rekening yg saya pakai adalah rekening pribadi.

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