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2022-06-03 13:32 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Seagull broker scam registered in Cayman, not Australian seagull broker

On April 9, 2022, I was recommended by a stranger in the telegram group to register an account on the SEAGULL exchange (registered in the Cayman Islands), and transferred USDT to my registered account to conduct BTC contract transactions. SEAGULL Exchange APP download address: SEAGULL exchange website: During this period, I also downloaded and browsed the SEAGULL white paper . After completing the registration, the contract operation was carried out. In the case of a small profit, 100 USDT was successfully withdrawn on April 9, and the position was gradually increased. Finally, the investment reached USDT 87,000 on May 1. The deposit address of the personal account on the exchange: USDT chain type The deposit address of TRC-20 is: TFKZo8yNbcr3i84KUCap3PVU1LjiLbTWEd During the period from April 9th ​​to May 1st, I kept depositing USDT and conducting contract operations. On May 1st, after successfully withdrawing 5,000 USDT at 10:00 p.m. Beijing time, on May 2nd, I applied for a withdrawal of 5,000 USDT, which means that it could not be withdrawn, indicating that the account was abnormal. After asking the online customer service, the online customer service gave a telegram customer service contact information SEAGULL CES 064 to communicate. The telegram customer service said that I was suspected of money laundering, illegally withdrawing funds from the platform and a series of non-existent reasons. At the same time, I was required to deposit a 20% profit risk fund into my personal account. After verification by the risk control department, I can withdraw money. (For details, please refer to the direct chat screen shot of customer service and me.) At this time, I realized that the SEAGULL exchange is a deceptive exchange. Small profits can be withdrawn, and large amounts are all restricted. Communicate with the customer service, unable to bear the risk of depositing 20% ​​of the profit, voluntarily give up all the income, and only ask for the principal back, but all were rejected. After that, I borrowed more than 20,000 U and deposited it to the address designated by the customer. Then the customer said that it could be withdrawn after 3 days. After 3 days, the attempt to withdraw failed. The account was frozen after an hour, and then after the corresponding amount was not deposited, the account was restricted from logging in, permanently frozen, and the Telegram customer service was deleted. I hope you take me as a warning, never trust the inducement that others bring you to earn, don't trust any strangers in the telegram group, and stay away from the SEAGULL exchange. I lost a total of 107,000 U.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

注册在开曼的seagull exchange骗局,不是澳洲seagull交易所

本人 于2022年4月9日,在电报群经陌生人推荐到SEAGULL交易所(注册在开曼群岛)注册账号,并转USDT到个人注册的账号,进行BTC的合约交易。SEAGULL 交易所APP下载地址:
在完成注册后,即进行了合约操作,在小有盈利的情况下,在4月9日顺利提了100 USDT,后逐渐加大仓位,最终在5月1号的投入达到USDT 8.7 万。
个人在交易所的账号的充值地址:USDT  链类型 TRC-20的充值地址为: TFKZo8yNbcr3i84KUCap3PVU1LjiLbTWEd
在4月9日至5月1号期间,本人不间断进行存入USDT并合约操作。5月1日,北京时间晚上10点多成功提取了5000USDT后,5月2日再申请提取5000美金,即无法提取,显示账户异常。经询问在线客服后,在线客服给了一个电报客服的联系方式 SEAGULL CES 064进行交流。电报客服说是本人涉嫌洗钱,非法套取平台资金等一系列子虚乌有的理由,同时要求我需存入盈利20%的风险金到个人账号,经风控部门核实后,才可以提币。(详细内容可参客服与我直接的聊天截屏)此时,我才明白过来,SEAGULL交易所就是一个专门骗人的交易所,小额盈利可以提取,大额全部限制。和客服沟通,无力承受存入20%盈利的风险金,自愿放弃全部收益,仅述求取回本金,但均被拒绝。后本人又筹借了2万多的U存到客户指定的地址,然后客户说3天后可以提取,过了3天后,尝试提取失败,客户又说需要缴纳20%盈利税大概15000U才可以,否则48小时后冻结账户,而后在没有存入相应的金额后,账户被限制登录,永久冻结,电报客服也被删。希望各位以我为戒,切不可相信他人带你赚取的诱导,不可在电报群相信任何陌生人,远离SEAGULL交易所。本人总共损失了10.7万U.

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