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Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

Year 2001Regulated by Government

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) was established in accordance with section 5 of the Securities and Exchange Commission (Establishment and Responsibilities) Law of 2001 as a public legal entity. It is an independent public supervisory Authority responsible for the supervision of the investment services market, transactions in transferable securities carried out in the Republic of Cyprus and the collective investment and asset management sector. It also supervises the firms offering administrative services which do not fall under the supervision of ICPAC and the Cyprus Bar Association.

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Sanction Fine
Disclosure summary
  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2022-09-23
  • Penalty amount $ 6,465.00 USD
  • Reason for punishment The Board of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘the CySEC’) would like to inform the public that, at its meeting held on 2nd August 2021, decided to impose the following administrative fines for violations of the Transparency Requirements (Transferable Securities Admitted to Trading on a Regulated Market) Law of 2007, as amended (‘the Law’), in regard to the publication of the Annual Financial Report for the year 2019:
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CYSEC Board Decision

23 September 2022 CYSEC Board Decision Announcement date: 23.09.2022 Board decision date: 02.08.2021 Regarding: Aias Investment Public Ltd, A.L. Prochoice Group Public Ltd, SFS Group Public Company Ltd, Regallia Holdings & Investments Public Ltd, Isxis Investment Public Ltd, D.A.P.P. Digital Access Pass PTE Investments Public Company Ltd Legislation: The Transparency Requirements (Transferable Securities Admitted to Trading on a Regulated Market) Law Subject: Fines Judicial Review: Click here Judicial Review Ruling: Click here The Board of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘the CySEC’) would like to inform the public that, at its meeting held on 2 nd August 2021, decided to impose the following administrative fines for violations of the Transparency Requirements (Transferable Securities Admitted to Trading on a Regulated Market) Law of 2007, as amended (‘the Law’), in regard to the publication of the Annual Financial Report for the year 2019: 1. Aias Investment Public Ltd (LEI 2138001G526W1KXZU288) – Imposition of a total administrative fine of €6.750 for violation of sections 9(1) and 37(2)(a) of the Law, 2. A.L. Prochoice Group Public Ltd (LEI 213800X4N6A2TP3VL296) – Imposition of a total administrative fine of €6.500 for violation of sections 9(1) and 37(2)(a) of the Law, 3. SFS Group Public Company Ltd (LEI 2138006US5U8I9DY6T24) – Imposition of a total administrative fine of €6.250 for violation of sections 9(1) and 37(2)(a) of the Law, 4. Regallia Holdings & Investments Public Ltd (LEI 2138002JN5N2VN21BR57) – Imposition of a total administrative fine of €5.050 for violation of sections 9(1) and 37(2)(a) of the Law, 5. Isxis Investment Public Ltd (LEI 213800BCDB1MZLK5NZ58) – Imposition of a total administrative fine of €5.050 for violation of sections 9(1) and 37(2)(a) of the Law and 6. D.A.P.P. Digital Access Pass PTE Investments Public Company Ltd (LEI 213800HXVMES8WAJ4N73) – Imposition of a total administrative fine of €4.875 for violation of sections 9(1) and 37(2)(a) of the Law. Full details/justification of the CySEC’s decision are/is available in the Greek text of the announcement.
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CYSEC Board Decision
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