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2018-11-28 18:03 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

TOSKY is a scam.

In March 2018, I was invited to a stock exchange group, QQ group number: 861817428. The group manager is called Ling Feng, his QQ number is 630640607. At 8:30 every night, he will broadcast live in the exchange group, telling how to choose stocks. When I joined the group chat, they even charged me 200 yuan. By June 2018, the stock market fell. On June 21, 2018, Teacher Ling Feng sent me a screenshot of his profit in international forex trading. (I have chat history and screenshots). He lured me to open an international foreign exchange account, and recommended the qq number of the platform customer service (2466437232), the customer service nickname is "international market." I opened an account on the TOSKY platform with an account number of 46319. But I have never made a deposit. On September 10, 2018, Ling Feng has been tempted me to go to the platform for international foreign exchange transactions. On September 10, I deposited RMB 13,784 yuan through the 621 **** 202 **** 94038 Industrial and Commercial Bank account, equivalent to 2,000 US dollars. So Ling Feng began to give me investment guidance, and sometimes he would give us investment advice in the chat group. I had a small profit at the beginning, but after a serious loss, I stopped trading and applied for a deposit on September 18. Later, I was contacted by another person in the exchange group called "Laughter". The qq number is 969888234. After learning that I lost a lot, he said that he can help me earn back the money. But in fact, he is the man of Ling Feng. On September 26, I re-invested 23,956 yuan, equivalent to 3,470 dollars, following his guidance to do crude oil trading. In the early days, he made me earn a little profit. In the face of market volatility, he deliberately gave me the wrong direction of investment. I mainly invest in crude oil. The crude oil market has been falling since October 3, 2018, but he has always let me buy long, causing me to lose a lot. On October 18, 2018, he asked me to buy long crude oil and not let me set a stop loss order. Until October 21, 2018, crude oil fell more than 400 pips in a single day, and a friend's position in the chat group was liquidated. My position fell to 1.5 points, but he still told me not to stop. Later, the more I lost. My balance reduced from $3,470 to only $867, and I applied for a withdrawal. The platform has many problems, and the data they provide are inconsistent with international prices and spreads. They partnered with the swindlers to scam our investors. I have lost a total of 21,250 yuan. I have all kinds of evidence to prove it all. Ling Feng is still cheating in the yy live room!


The following is the original recommendation


2018年3月被拉到一个股票群是凌风的好友群QQ群号码(861817428),里面群主叫凌风QQ(630640607), 每天晚上8点半直播,怎样去选股,买票,加群还收了200元一直到2018年6月份股市行情不行,2018年6月21日凌风老师就私聊我,给我发他国际外汇盈利的截图,(有聊天记录可查,已截图有证据),引诱我开通国际外汇账号,于是给我推荐了一位该平台客服开通账户qq号码(2466437232)网名国际盘,开通了天汇金融平台下的账户,账户号码为46319,可是我一直没有入金操作,直到2018年9月10日,这期间凌风老师一直引诱我们进去该平台操作国际外汇,我9月10日通过6212263202009994038工行入金人民币合计13784元,折合2000美金,凌风老师就开始给我喊单,有时会在群里喊单,前面开始有小幅盈利,仓位也是全仓做,后面开始出现严重亏损后,就休息了下,9月18日出金了,然后后面接触到了另一个群友陪笑qq号码(969888234),得知我亏了很多说能帮我打的回本,其实就是凌风老师的手下,9月26日,我又从新入金23956元人民币,3470美金,跟着他做原油,也是前期带你小幅盈利,一遇到大行情,就买逆势单,主要做原油,原油从2018年10月3号开始一直下跌,一直喊多单,有喊单聊天记录,导致资金亏损严重,更是在2018年10月18日买原油多单,不设止损,抗单,直到2018年10月21日原油下跌单日下跌400多个点,群里一个朋友爆仓,我下到下跌到1.5个点是老师也没让我们止损,一直扛着(有喊多单记录)截屏,锁了,但后面听老师的越解锁亏的越多,然后3470美金,亏到只剩下867美金,才出金,平台方面也是问题频出,与国际点位不一致点差不一致,跟骗子一起合伙坑我们投资者,一共亏损,21250.元人民币,有银行流水可查,有qq聊天截屏记录,和出入金为证据。凌风,现在还在yy直播,还在行骗!

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