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2019-05-28 02:14 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

The withdrawal was banned in STD

I opened an account in STD and deposited money,with withdrawal normal in 2017 and on March,2018.I have profited of more than $20 thousand in the end of May,2018.But the system showed that I haven’t authenticated my address when I wanted to withdraw my profit.I withdrew for $2000 every month before.I asked the manager and was told that large amounts of withdrawal needs address authenticated.The submitting address of authentication required me to follow”standard forex login account” on Wechat,with a user center and authentication address in it.The file I need to submit was one of my water and electricity bill, account book, or bank statement.The manage said that the withdrawal would be transferred into my account in 3-5 working days and the customer service also claimed that it would take 7 working days at most.After 7 working days,it was still under authentication.I have urged them every day since half of a month after authentication and was told that it would have a result today by customer manager and customer service.I received the email sent by STD and was told to provide the bank statement.Having submitted it,I asked how long it would pass the authentication.The respond was the same as before,7 working days at most.Ten days later, they enabled me to provide water and electricity bill...which lasted about 20 days,without any result.I couldn’t contact the customer manager neither through Wechat nor text message.If my problem of withdrawal couldn’t be solved appropriately,I would expose it endlessly...

Unable to Withdraw

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