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2019-05-25 17:41 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

FXDD is a scam. They won’t let me withdraw and found themselves excuses to keep me from withdrawing

I can’t withdraw on FXDD. I deposited $8,500 on the platform. On May 13, I had a total profit of $66,000, so I applied for a withdrawal. I was very happy in my heart, because this platform was introduced by a friend, and when I first deposited, I bought short Hong Kong stocks and then earned. But by the end of the night, I was not happy. FXDD sent an email saying that they were asking the Compliance Department to review my application and could not let me withdraw money. I am very puzzled. I am doing normal withdrawals. Why does it require a compliance review? I have been looking for the platform customer service to respond to the situation, but my emails were all delayed and the customer service’s attitude was very rude. My heart was very bottomless. On May 20th, I was ready to go to the police with my friend. Finally, on the evening of the same day, I received their email reply. They said that my account transaction was in violation so that they had to deduct my profit of $40,000. My heart was suddenly half cold. At that time, I was not too entangled, thinking that it is ok if I could withdraw the principal, but I already feel that this platform is a scam. They asked me to apply for a withdrawal, and I quickly applied. However, I never thought that I had waited for many days and that the withdrawal had not yet arrived. I asked the customer service, they said that I should wait for the account to deduct the amount of the violation in order to withdraw cash. The account balance is still $66,000. I deeply feel that they are trying to delay the time. Anyway, they are looking for various excuses to prevent me from withdrawing money. It’s been 10 days since I applied for the withdrawal, and they still give me various excuses to prevent me from withdrawing. I am on my way to the police station. I hope them to be exposed and stop scamming around.

Unable to Withdraw

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