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2024-01-25 05:27 Released in Mexico Mexico

Capitalix Scam (

In October 2023 I started investing for the first time in Capitalix, as I was just beginning to learn, I only invested the minimum they required of me to open the account, which was $200, then they told me that if I wanted to obtain 20% profit on what I invested I had to invest $2,500, then they invited me to webinar and sessions where they sent you to call your advisor to tell you how to continue investing and I never saw the profit offered, during the following weeks my manager told me as always what I should invest in, Only when they realized that I was not investing more and that what I was doing was withdrawing (I managed to recover only $600, this year they made me invest in positions from the beginning that were negative and that they left me with no free available balance, at the pace of the days they informed me that something had happened in the market and that they had to close the account and that if I did not deposit $600 the account and my money would not be recovered. Of course, I did not invest more but now when I entered the account I had nothing and the positions were all closed and those thieves kept my money.


The following is the original recommendation

Estafa de Capitalix (

En octubre del 2023 comencé a invertir por primera vez en Capitalix, como yo apenas comenzaba a aprender solo invertir lo minimo que me exigieron para abrir la cuenta que fueron 200$, luego me indicaron que si quería obtener el 20% de ganancia de lo invertido debía invertor 2,500 $, luego me invitaron a webinar y sesiones donde te mandaban a llamar a tu asesor para que te dijera como seguir invirtiendo y la ganacia ofrecida nunca la vi, durante las siguientes semanas mi manager me indicó como siempre en qué debía invertir, solo que al darse cuenta que no invertía más y que lo que hacía era retirar (logré recuperar solo $ 600, este año me hicieron invertir en posiciones desde el principio de estuvieron en negativo y que me dejaron sin saldo disponible libre, al paso de los días me informaron que había ocurrido algo en el mercado y que tuvieron que cerrar la cuenta y que si no depositava $ 600 no se recuperaría la cuenta y mi dinero. Por dupuestso que no inverti más pero ahora al ingresar a la cuenta no tenga nada de ccapitay y las posiciones todas estáb cerradas y se quedaron con mi dinero esos ladrones.

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