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2023-12-23 18:48 Released in Japan Japan

I asked for a refund because I will no longer be able to do business here, but I was refused with a reason given.

(Counterparty) ① Hiroki Sawada (CITADEL) Instructor on stock and FX trading ② Female assistant ③ Kohei Kitahara Learn how to install and use the trading platform (MT5), fund management (CRM fund management system), how to deposit and withdraw money for transactions, etc. Instructions ・Platform to use MT5 Download from Apple Store ・Securities company to open account (designated by Kitahara) Zivest (Pty) Ltd...No registration with Financial Services Agency Registration number 2017 101396 07 Registered address 121 Beyers Naude Drive, Roosevelt Park, Randburg, Gauteng, 2195, South Africa Website Phone +27100123398 ・CRM Fund Management System URL hppt:// Current balance $15,281.60 (transfer) 11/14 100,000 yen PayPay Bank Kawasemi Branch 8244011 Yuna Onishi 11/21 900,000 yen Aeon Bank Sakura Branch 0574718 Bol Antes 11/29 400,000 yen Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Nishinomiya Kitaguchi Branch 5122475 Yoshioka Hisashi All Banks 1 Contacted 2/15 (flow) Early 11/YouTube or something From that advertisement to Hiroki Sawada's official LINE. I will teach you financial transactions, and since the company is not well-known, I am also doing this for advertising purposes, so it is free of charge. From there, please register as a friend of Kohei Kitahara, who is in charge of group chat (a place for investment trading lectures) and MT5. 11/7 Go to Kitahara's LINE. Learn how to download MT5 and set up asset management (CRM). 11/14 First 100,000 yen transfer. Start FX trading from there. Mainichi Sawada's lecture on trading via group chat and trading instructions from the official Traded on MT5 after receiving instructions on brand ○○, ○○ lot number, direction (buy or sell) *Win rate was almost 100%. On 11/21 I was making a profit so I increased my capital and made the second remittance of 900,000 yen. Everyone has made a considerable amount of profit from Sawada (I don't know if it's Sakura or not, but some people have uploaded the details of transferring 10 million units to the group chat) After this, there will be an important announcement from the United States, Teraoka. Please prepare for that as well. If you answer that you don't have the funds and are satisfied with the current profits, you will no longer be able to participate in future transactions. The reason is that there is a risk of a loss cut due to insufficient deposit. 11/29 His third remittance, was 400,000 yen. You can also participate in trading. After that, he was asked to increase capital in a roundabout way, and Sawada even said that if he didn't have the funds, he would lend it to him. I got fed up with that and asked Kitahara for a refund. He told me the procedure for refunding and remittance, and I did so. Please allow 1-5 business days for system review, funds entry, etc. In addition, the group chat and Sawada's official LINE have been deleted. 12/1 I felt strange and a little distrustful of Kitahara's sentence above, but I followed the instructions. 12/7 He hasn't received the money, so I checked with Japan Post Bank (the bank where the money was being sent this time). The only way to know the current status of the money is at the financial institution where the money was transferred, so please contact that financial institution. 12/8: There was no remittance on my bank card, so I contacted Kitahara, and he told me, ``Taxes will be charged on profits from FX trading, and you cannot remit money unless you pay that amount.'' I was afraid that if I put in too much money, it would be deleted and I wouldn't be able to contact them, so I agreed and got a bank account to pay the tax, but I had to postpone it. 12/14 Telephone consultation with Ageo Police → Please consult a consumer center or a lawyer first. 12/14 Call the Okegawa City Consumer Center → Tell them you will visit the center on 12/15. 12/15 Face-to-face counselor at Okegawa City Consumer Center → Contacted the Financial Services Agency and introduced a law firm. 12/15 Call the Financial Services Agency → Please contact the financial institution where the transfer was made. 12/15 Contacted each financial institution. 12/19 Consult with Ageo Police Receipt number 2023-167477 12/22 Consult with Saitama Chuo Law Office That's it. thank you.


The following is the original recommendation


①澤田 弘樹 (CITADEL) 株式・FX取引の講師
③北原 康平 取引の為のプラットフォーム(MT5)、資金管理(CRM資金管理システム)のインストールから使い方、取引の入出金のやり方や指示
・使用のプラットフォームMT5 アップルストアからダウンロード
登録番号 2017 101396 07
登録所在地    121 Beyers Naude Drive,Rooosevelt Park,Randburg,Gauteng,2195,South Africa
電話    +27100123398
・CRM資金管理システム URL hppt://より
11/14 10万円 PayPay銀行 かわせみ支店 8244011 オオニシ ユウナ
11/21 90万円 イオン銀行 サクラ支店 0574718 ボル アンテス
11/29 40万円 三井住友銀行 西宮北口支店 5122475 ヨシオカ ヒサシ
11/上旬 YouTubeか何かの広告より澤田弘樹の公式LINEへ。そこで金融取引を教えます、会社の知名度が低いので宣伝も兼ねてやっておりますので、無料ですとのこと。そこからグループチャット(投資取引の講義の場)とMT5の方を担当している北原康平への友達登録をして下さいとのこと。
11/7  北原の個人LINEへ。MT5のダウンロードと資産管理(CRM)の設定の仕方等を教わる。
11/14 最初の10万円振込。そこからFX取引を始める。毎日澤田によるグループチャットによる取引の講義と公式からの取引の指示
銘柄○○ ○○ロット数 方向(買いか売り)の指示を受けMT5で取引
11/21 自身も利益があがっていたのでの増資 2回目の送金90万。
11/29 3度目の送金、40万円。また取引に参加できるように。
12/1  上記の北原の文章に違和感、少々不信に感じましたが、手順通りしました。
12/7  そのご中々入金されないので、ゆうちょ銀行(今回の送金される先)に確認。今そのお金のの状況は振込元の金融機関でないと分からないので、その金融機関へ連絡してみてくださいと。
12/8  銀行カードに送金がないので、北原に問い合わせしたところ、「FX取引に関して利益分には税金が掛かります、その支払いをしないと送金できません」と。
12/14 上尾警察に電話相談→まずは消費者センターか弁護士にご相談ください。
12/14 桶川市消費者センターに電話連絡→12/15にセンターへ伺う旨伝える。
12/15 桶川市消費者センター対面相談役→金融庁へ連絡、弁護士事務所の紹介。
12/15 金融庁に電話連絡→振り込んだ先の金融機関へ連絡してください。
12/15 各金融機関へ連絡。
12/19 上尾警察に相談 受理番号2023-167477
12/22 埼玉中央法律事務所に相談

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