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2023-11-02 19:04 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

I met someone online and we had a good chat. He started to teach me how to invest, but the platform didn’t allow to withdraw.

We met on IG, and after we got to know each other, he asked me to invest. At first, he asked me to download the wallet trust, and then gave me a URL and asked me to use the wallet to open the URL. He asks you to register and get a Line ID from the assistant, and then he will take you to make investments. The minimum investment on this platform is NT$50,000. He will first ask you to withdraw NT$20,000. He said that there is a couple doing activities together. You can withdraw money only if you meet the standards, and you must trade 80% of the principal. ㄧI didn’t know the content of the event at first, so he asked me to bind him to the assistant. As a result, I learned that the event requires a certain deposit threshold before withdrawal, so I wanted to cancel the NT$1.5 million deposit. He said that if I continued to participate in the event, he would help me make a deposit and asked me to prepare NT$330,000. He said that he would be there for everything. On the day of transfer, after I transferred 330,000 US dollars, he transferred 60,000 US dollars and then said that the account had been frozen. I paid the last 160,000 by myself. Then he said the market was good on Friday and he could trade. When I finished the transaction and wanted to withdraw money, he said I would have to pay a handling fee of NT$400,000. After I paid the handling fee, the platform said that the withdrawal time had passed. The customer service asked me to withdraw the money the next day, but the platform asked me to pay a deposit, because my payment was paid by others, and I was required to pay another 880,000 before I could withdraw the money. I thought it was a little weird, but he assured me it was okay. He said he would pay US$10,000, and I only needed to prepare NT$460,000. I paid NT$460,000, and when he wanted to pay the fee, the withdrawal was frozen. At this time, the customer service told me that I had to pay the remaining deposit within 3 days, otherwise my account would be frozen. On October 27, I was kicked out of the web page I entered. The customer service called me and told me that I could deposit 2,000 US dollars and withdraw 10,000 US dollars for a limited time event. I deliberately told the customer service that I could not withdraw the money and was locked, and then the customer service said that I could ask someone else to pay. I said you started saying that someone else had to pay a deposit to pay on your behalf, how come you can do it now? The customer service said it was possible, but they just needed the other party’s identity document... The customer service said someone from the overseas trust company would contact me. But I think they are trying to cheat me again.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


對方是在IG認識的聊到熟悉後對方就要找我投資,一開始我是具覺得後來不得以才被哄騙使用請你下載冷錢包trust,後續給你一個網址要你用冷錢包打開那網址,網友請你去註冊後去跟小助手拿Line ID後續網友帶你操作投資,此平台最低投資5萬台幣,ㄧ開始先讓你出金2萬台幣,後續網友貼ㄧ個情人共同活動一個門檻到才可以出金還要交易8成本金,ㄧ開始我還不知道活動內容,網友就說請我去跟小助理綁定傻傻的去綁,結果後續知道活動要入金ㄧ定門檻才可出金如果要取消就要繳150萬台幣網友說如果我繼續參加活動他幫入金要我準備33萬台幣他說有什事他在,後續到轉帳那天我把33萬匯進去後,網友就也轉帳了6萬美金帳號就說被大馬政府給鎖住他被司法凍結 後續我自己繳完最後16萬,然後網友說禮拜5⃣️行情好可以交易,交易完要取金時後平他要付40萬台幣手續費,付完手續費時坪台說已經過出金時間要我隔天,隔天平台要我繳自證金他說因為我款項是他人繳款,要我再繳88萬才可以出金,後續我覺得怪怪的網友就信釋旦旦說沒問題,網友說他出1萬美我準備台幣46萬,當天繳款我繳46萬台幣,當網友要繳款時他的出金就被圈住,這時候客服就告訴我剩下3天內要繳完剩下自證金不然帳戶就被凍結,10/27進入網頁已經被踢出,隔天客服打來就跟我說我的有限時活動可以繳2000美出金1萬美,我故意跟客服說我沒辦法出金被鎖了,然後客服就說我可以請別人繳我說你們ㄧ開始說我別人繳要繳自證金,現在又可以?客服就說是可以的只是要對方身份證明文件…後續客服說沒有繳的話錢會到海外信託公司說會有專人跟我連絡反正就是要在騙一次

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