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2022-07-16 01:41 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Poipex Market Limited, this broker is a fraud, and all criminal groups should be arrested immediately.

I have seen a lot of scams recently. I feel that this group not only used this company to defraud, but the other company announced today should be a member of the same gang. In addition, the people from this scam group, the people I talked to on Line include Manager Lin of the Poipex platform. This person claims to be from Guangzhou, there is another Chen Huarong who asked me to deposit money and said he is from Yilan, and there is a Line group "Bu Lao Song" who claims to be about 55 years old who lives in Kaohsiung E-Tah. These should all be members of the fraud group This group of people will kill more people if they don’t catch them immediately, and the members of the digital currency are the biggest helpers of the fraud group, because they can quickly transfer hundreds of millions of money to asset management. Account account, in the end, it is impossible to say that it does not matter. In order to defraud more, the fraud group told me to pay 3 million Taiwan dollars. Everyone thinks that the amount of 3 million divided by the exchange rate 29.12 is not equal. , I attach a photo provided by the group saying that he paid 500,000 yuan to do the fast track, and the money was credited in two hours. At that time, I asked many people in the group, and everyone asked me to pay 500,000 yuan to do the fast track. The money was raised because I didn’t send it out, but after I saw that there was no more oil and water, I closed the group directly, and the fraudulent gang shared the stolen goods. This financial license chaos, how many people have been killed, and the rating has dropped from 6.11, -3.44, - to within two days after checking. The current 1.11 is already an afterthought. The investors cannot withdraw


The following is the original recommendation

Poipex Market Limited 該交易商詐騙行為害人,應該立即抓全部犯罪集團,

最近看了很多詐騙,我感覺這集團不只利用了此公司詐騙,今天公佈的另一家應該是同團夥的人,另外這詐騙集團的人,我在Line 聊過的人中有Poipex 平台林經理,此人自稱是廣州人,還有一個拉我入金的陳華榮說是宜蘭人,還有一個Line群組“不老松”的稱 住在高雄義大的年紀約55歲的,這些應該都是詐騙集團成員的人,這群人不立即抓會害死更多人的,還有就是數字貨幣的成員是詐騙集團最大的幫手,因為他們可以快速大額的幾佰上千萬的將錢轉入資管帳戶帳戶,最後出不了金的,說沒關系是不可能的,還有為了想詐更多,詐騙集團的跟我說出金300萬台幣,大家想想300萬除匯率29.12金額是不對等的,附上群組提供說他繳了50萬辦快速通道,錢兩小時入帳的照片,當時問了群組多人,每個都叫我交50萬辦快速通道,這筆錢因已籌不出沒匯出,之後看沒油水了,直接關群組,詐騙團夥分贓去了,
這金融牌照之亂,坑死多少人,等查到評等兩天內從6.11,-3.44, - 降至現在的 1.11 ,已經是事後馬後炮了,投資人已入坑出金入不了帳,

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