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2022-06-10 22:51 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

At around 20:00 on June 7, 2022, Beijing time, it was recommended to buy long near 29300 in the live class, and then suddenly there was a drop of more than 6000 points within 1 minute and then returned to 29300 points, resulting in liquidation, and the account became negative.

Occasionally, a person who claimed to be Assistant Kong Jie added me on QQ and started a group for us. First, he recommended stock trading points, and then opened a live class that claimed to be organized by Hongchuang Fund. The class included Jiang Kaijing and Li Sen. The four lecturers, Liu Yong and Kong Jie, initially explained the stock market and competed for the number of votes. After the three-month period ends, the one with the highest number of votes will receive 1.5 billion fund management rights for a period of 2 years. 3 times the bull stock's private equity, and then Jiang Kaijing also came up with a bitcoin profit plan claiming to exceed 3 times the bull stock, and then Kong Jie also came up with a bitcoin profit plan to induce investors to open a FITBELA EPRO account Operate Bitcoin. Take orders directly from 9:25 to 11:30 in the morning from Monday to Friday, and from 13:00 to 15:00. From 7:30 to 9:30 pm Monday to Thursday, and from 7:30 to 9:30 pm on Sunday, live with Bitcoin. The self-proclaimed account amount is more than 50,000 US dollars to participate in Kong Jie's offline orders. When my account is close to 50,000 US dollars, the live broadcast order will be at 29300 at 8:00 p.m. Beijing time on June 7, 2022. Buy more, buy After a long time, the account will be liquidated in the process of falling 6000 points within 1 minute and quickly pulling back to 29300 points. However, in the process of querying other related platforms, the price range of Bitcoin on June 7, 2022 fluctuated between 29,000 and 31,000. It is seriously suspected that the platform was maliciously slipped.

Severe Slippage

The following is the original recommendation


偶然间QQ上有个自称孔杰助理的人加我QQ,给我们拉了个群先是推荐股票买卖点,后开通了个自称宏创基金组织的直播课堂,课上有江开景、李森、刘勇、孔杰4位讲师最初以讲解股市行情,比拼投票数,三个月期限结束后票数第一的将拿到15亿的基金管理权,期限2年,先是孔杰拿出了个3倍牛股的私募票,继而江开景同样拿出了个自称超越3倍牛股的比特币盈利计划,继而孔杰同样也拿出了个比特币盈利计划,诱导投资者开通FITBELA EPRO账户操作比特币。在周一至周五早上9点25分到11点30分,13点至15点直接带单。周一至周四晚上7点半至9点半,周日晚上7点半至9点半期间直播带操作比特币。自称账户金额大于5万美金方可参与孔杰的线下带单,在我的账户快要接近5万美金的北京时间2022年6月7日晚间8点直播带单在29300点附近买多,买多后在1分钟之内的下跌6000点并快速反拉会29300点的过程中造成账户爆仓。但是在查询其他相关平台的过程中2022年6月7日比特币的价格区间均在29000至31000之间波动,严重怀疑是被平台恶意滑点爆仓了

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