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2022-05-14 11:48 Released in Japan Japan

2022/05/07 (Sat) 13:13 Tutomu. The remittance is completed today, isn't it? 13:14

20:03 customer service Yes, please wait for a while. If you need to complete the withdrawal in advance, you can apply for a direct transfer from UnionPay. 20:07 Tutomu I don't understand the meaning of applying for a direct remittance, so please tell me in detail. 20:15 customer service If you send money directly from UnionPay, you will have to pay a handling fee of 350,000 yen. This 350,000 yen fee is non-refundable, but will be refunded to your bank account as soon as payment is completed. 20:18 Tutomu What if I don't apply for a direct transfer? 20:22 customer service Hello, after waiting for the bank's business days, wait in line for your withdrawal. 2022/05/03 (Tue) 18:21 Tutomu "If you pay 350,000, how many days will you get the refund? Also, there is no more payment." 18:22 customer service Hello, you will receive your bank account within 24 hours after completing the payment of 350,000 yen. 19:24 Tutomu "Does the meaning of 350,000 money mean the cost of prioritizing the order of withdrawals? Is there any other money such as exchange fees or taxes?" 19:25 customer service Yes, that's right 19:44 Tutomu "I've heard many times, isn't it wrong within 24 hours? When transferring money from an overseas account to a Japanese account, remittance fees and exchange fees 19:59 customer service Hello, if you pay 350,000 yen, you can withdraw to your bank account within 24 hours. If you don't pay, you'll have to wait in line. 20:35 Tutomu Normally, when you transfer money from an overseas account to a Japanese account, you will be charged a remittance fee and an exchange fee, but is it strange that there is no such fee? 20:36 customer service Hello, this is the route fee you paid before 20:52 Tutomu If you pay 350,000 now, can you really guarantee the deposit within 24 hours (until this time tomorrow)? 21:00 customer service Yes 21:19 Tutomu You have already contacted the remittance destination account. 21:19 customer service Hello, when you're ready to send money, we'll help you apply for a money transfer account. 21:23 Tutomu "I'm sending money, but I'm asking if I know the account to which I'm sending, so make sure you're registered." 21:25 customer service Hello, keep your money safe So wait for the transfer to your account and check your bank account again. 21:27 Tutomu Please tell me the transfer destination. 21:28 customer service Well, please wait for a while. We will help you apply for a remittance account. 21:30 customer service "Financial institution name Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Branch name: Ginza branch Branch number: 026 Account number: 8644822 Recipient name: Takayuki Kuju Tsukumo Takayuki" 21:30 customer service Select real-time deposit and after remittance is completed Please send the remittance certificate. 21:34 Tutomu [Photo] 21:35 Tutomu The transfer has been completed. 21:36 Tutomu Please check the remittance destination account. 21:36 customer service Please wait for a while. You will be notified when your account arrives 22:13 Tutomu Just in case, we will send you the remittance destination again. 22:13 Tutomu "Bank name: PayPay Bank Branch name: 001 (Head office sales department) Transaction type: Ordinary ZA number: 6266989 Account name Oyatsutomu" 22:13 customer service Please wait for a while. After your account arrives, we will assist you in the withdrawal process. 2022/05/04 (Wed) 20:37 Tutomu "What happened to your remittance? Please tell me the expected date." 20:59 customer service Hello, we are already helping you, please wait for your account 21:04 Tutomu "Okay. Is the estimated date still undecided? Yesterday's story said it was within 24 hours." 21:05 customer service Yes, it's already being transferred 21:59 Tutomu Now I confirmed it, but it hasn't arrived yet. Please send the remittance certificate. 22:01 customer service Please wait

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

2022/05/07(土) 13:13 Tutomu 今日、送金が完了するのですよね。 13:14

20:03 customer service はい、しばらくお待ちください。事前に引き出しを完了する必要がある場合は、英国銀聯からの直接送金を申請できます。
20:07 Tutomu 直接送金を申請することの意味が分かりませんので、詳しく教えて下さい。
20:15 customer service 英銀聯から直接送金する場合、35万円の手数料を支払う必要があります。この35万円の手数料は返金できませんが、支払いが完了すれば、すぐに銀行口座に返金されます。
20:18 Tutomu 直接送金を申請しない場合はどうなるのですか?
20:22 customer service こんにちは、銀行の営業日を待った後、列に並んであなたの引き出しを待ちます。

18:21 Tutomu "35万を支払った場合には、どれ位の日数で返金されるのですか?
18:22 customer service こんにちは、35万円のお支払いが完了すると、24時間以内に銀行口座に届きます。
19:24 Tutomu "35万のお金の意味は、出金の順番を優先してもらう為の費用ですか?
19:25 customer service はい、そうです
19:44 Tutomu "何度もお聞きしますが、
19:59 customer service こんにちは、35万円払えば24時間以内に銀行口座に出金できます。払わない場合は列に並んで待つ必要があります。
20:35 Tutomu 普通は海外の口座から日本の口座に送金する場合は、送金手数料や為替手数料がかかりますが、ない事が不思議ですが?
20:36 customer service こんにちは、以前お支払いいただいたルート料金がこれです
20:52 Tutomu 今、35万を支払ったら、本当に24時間以内(明日のこの時間まで)に入金が確約出来ますか?
21:00 customer service はい
21:19 Tutomu 送金先の口座は連絡済みですよね。
21:19 customer service こんにちは、送金の準備ができたら、送金口座の申請をお手伝いします
21:23 Tutomu "送金はしますが、
21:25 customer service こんにちは、あなたの資金の安全を確保するため、口座に振り込みを待って、再度あなたの銀行口座を確認します。
21:27 Tutomu 振り込み先を教えてください。
21:28 customer service さて、しばらくお待ちください。送金口座の申請をお手伝いします。
21:30 customer service "金融機関名 三井住友銀行
受取人名 :九十九貴之 ツクモタカユキ"
21:30 customer service リアルタイム入金を選択し、送金完了后に送金証明書を送信してください。
21:34 Tutomu [写真]
21:35 Tutomu 振り込みを完了しました。
21:36 Tutomu 送金先の口座を確認して下さい。
21:36 customer service しばらくお待ちください。アカウントが到着すると通知が届きます
22:13 Tutomu 念のために、送金先をもう一度送ります。
22:13 Tutomu "銀行名:PayPay銀行
口座名義 オオヤツトム"
22:13 customer service しばらくお待ちください。アカウントが到着した後、引き出しの手続きをお手伝いします。

20:37 Tutomu "送金はどうなりましたか?
20:59 customer service こんにちは、私たちはすでにあなたを助けています、アカウントを待ってください
21:04 Tutomu "分かりました。
21:05 customer service はい、すでに転送中です
21:59 Tutomu 今、確認しましたが、まだ届いていません。送金証明書を送信してください。
22:01 customer service お待ちください


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