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2022-05-03 21:26 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Unable to withdraw. Keep asking me to pay personal income tax, platform managing fees and risk fees

A friend brought me here to make orders, and my friend helped me to deposit some cash. On 2/15, I have to pay my friends back so I made some withdrawals. On 2/17, the customer service staff said that the $160,000 deposit needs to pay 5% personal tax of $9,000. On 2/18, the customer service limited me to pay the tax on the 22nd, and threatened me to donate it all in my name. On 2/22, due to not being able to raise so much money, please allow a few days for the customer service to pay in full on 2/25, and check the information and say that the account will be received within 1-3 days. 3/2 ask the customer when the account will arrive, and give the official statement that it will arrive in 1-3 days. On 3/4, I asked again when the account will be received. Please help me to ask. It turned out that I still have a platform management fee to pay 100,000 Taiwan dollars. Please customer service give me a few days to raise money. The platform management fee of 100,000 yuan was paid on 3/11. On 3/12, because my financial card number is different from the account in the deposit book, I went to the withdrawal background at 10:00 p.m. on 3/12 to modify the information. During this period, there were customer service calls, and the messages were returned without a response. On 3/13, the customer service said that I need to check the identity information after modifying the information. Check to say that I did not ask the customer service staff to modify the information, delay the withdrawal, or be afraid of remitting the wrong account, and asked me to pay the risk control risk fee of 100,000 Taiwan dollars. I told the customer service that the gold background must upload the documents and photos of the archive, and the background also said that the gold withdrawal will be delayed during the holiday. How about holiday finance work? I just changed the bank code to the deposit book account and also paid. If I freeze my account on 4/6 and withdraw funds from the backend, I can't connect to the backend. Is my platform management fee paid off?

Unable to Withdraw

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