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2022-04-17 08:00 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Cang/Cang limited

The logo of the former is consistent with the location in Hong Kong, while the latter has the same name and location as the official website, but does not have a logo. Facebook met a girl who claimed to be engaged in short-term foreign exchange trading and investment in Jakarta. ) At the beginning of the digital currency software teaching, more than 200 US dollars were withdrawn in normal transactions, and later I kept asking me to increase investment to have a pattern. I was repeatedly persuaded to add up to $2,000. At the end of the transaction, I wanted to withdraw immediately. I asked the official website customer service and said that if the balance exceeds $1,000, I have to pay 10% of the tax and fee of the withdrawal amount, and then she will use the digital currency exchange rate. Waiting for repeated excuses to persuade me that it is unnecessary, I think it is still within the controllable range and does not move. On the 4.16th, she inexplicably said that there is an event on the platform where you can participate in the participation. It turned out to be a recharge to send US dollars. I didn't understand it clearly at the time, and she didn't elaborate that it would be better to find customer service. Later, I realized that it is time-limited and The consequences of not completing the recharge, but the customer service also did not inform in advance. In the end, I accidentally chose to recharge 300 million US dollars to send 3888. I learned that the recharge should be completed before the 24th, otherwise it will affect the credit investigation, so I just sent the ID card information. At the time, I was panicked, but she was so arrogant that she called me 15,000 and said she could support me. . . I didn't fall asleep after thinking about it all night, and I checked a lot of information. There is an up owner who agrees that paying taxes first and then withdrawing money is a new scam. My question is whether it will affect the credit report, and is it possible to recover $2,000 (10730.8)?

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