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2021-09-02 22:38 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

(Li Chengang, Yang Jiping) GANAR MARKETSmaliciously induces investors, defrauds money without conscience. I can't withdraw money. The current price of Bitcoin 47660 is operated by the backstage, which floats 26,000 in 0.5 seconds, and the position is instantly liquidated.

I joined their group through the stock exchange group.They said (and another two "teachers") they wanted to earn money with stock friends and won votes from stock friends to compete for the right to trade in the 1.5 billion fund. At the beginning, they shared stock knowledge and several stocks in the group, and I was able to make a few points occasionally. After half a month, they played a trick to make everyone realize that stocks were too slow to make money, so they moved to the Bitcoin leveraged contract market. Through their internal links, after entering the internal, they have been asking everyone to rush all the funds in it, and they also said with all their heart that they promised to make profits 10 times more than before. On the first three days, I got a normal profit. But withdrawal was evaded by various reasons,including system problems, operation problems, back office not working, and no customer service. On the fourth day, it was said that the live broadcast could only take everyone to make one order, and there was a big market, so we had to set up a special team to do it offline. Moreover, it was stipulated that the requirements for members of the four major special forces were: 10 million funds in the first stage and 6 million funds in the second stage. . . If you didn’t have enough funds, you need to recharge (a large number of people are induced to recharge). However, on the sixth day, the backstage operation suddenly fluctuated by 7000, and the funds of stockholders were all liquidated. As a result, they comforted everyone, and then lured you to inject funds, and the teacher subsidized you as much as five times money (induced recharge again). Then on the eighth day, after all the stockholders had recharged, the backstage operation floated 26,000 again, and everyone was liquidated. Now They ask all stock friends to find a way to recharge again. . . . . It's utterly unconscious! This is the broker they sent

Unable to Withdraw

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