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2021-03-20 16:33 Released in Japan Japan

High chances to be deceived

Under the banner of being a trading assistant, the company claimed that it would train you for free.It did not allow trainees to communicate with each other,saying that it would affect the execution. It turned out that there was an account assessment, which was just a bunch of lies. They asked you to earn $200 in 2 days without investing in gold, and at the same time losing $200 was also considered a failure. Their spread was 40 and the handling fee was high so it was basically impossible not to fail.Another option was to do it with your own funds, through which they said could help you earn 10% a month with no less than 3 lots per day.They also advised you to bid 20,000 US dollars, saying that if you invested with a large capital, the basic salary would be high after entering the company and you could have the chance to operate the company's high capital.
In fact, it was just a series of frauds. With 3 lots, your handling fee was nearly $70 per lot. This was their free profit. At the same time, he said that depositing 10,000 US dollars would get 1,500 US dollars, requiring you to reach 3 lots a day per month.Think about it, that was actually a lot. . . . I was deceived anyway. At the beginning, I charged USD 5,000 on Friday. And on Monday morning,I bought 2 lots and lost USD 4,000 directly, and the position was liquidated. That meant I only had a few hundred of 5,000 US dollars left. At that time, I was confused and told this to the leader who then allowed me to charge up to 10,000 US dollars. I even thanked my boss for this since it was my first contact with foreign exchange. Then I charged it again.Thanks to the good market,I benefited from a loss of 4,000 US dollars to gains of 17,000 US dollars in the next few days. I was dumbfounded about its simpleness. But in less than a day, I lost again on Friday. I didn’t want to believe it. I thought it was still bullish so I still held the main stock.As a result, the the account was blown up and I only had a few thousand left. Anyway, it was so sad...


The following is the original recommendation


其实就是一些列骗人。3手,你的手续费一手就是将近70美金。这是他们白赚。同时他说存1万美金送1500美金,要求你一个月,每天达到3手。想一想,其实还有很多。。。。我反正 被骗,一开始充5000美金,赶上周五,星期一早上,买的2手,直接亏4000美金,一个爆仓。相当于5000美金直接只剩几百了。当时懵了,给领导说,领导说让你充到10000吧。我还感谢领导,第一次接触外汇。然后又充了,幸好赶上好行情,从亏4000美金,到后面账上几天又涨到了17000美金,我傻眼了。这么简单,可是不到一天,又是星期五,直接跌,我不认,认为还是看多,结果重仓,直接爆仓了,损失到最后只剩几千,,反正一路啊,那个心酸。。。。。。。。。。。

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