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2021-02-04 10:21 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Manipulation and Unable to withdraw

I traded on the novoxfx platform, and there was a short gold order that was tampered with and closed at the 1910 position. I did not close the position for this order, and the price of gold fell sharply on the same day, and my price was flat at the highest point. From the beginning to the end, I only logged in through the only desktop computer. There is no record of closing the position in my computer log, and it was impossible to operate when I was out of work during that time period. I turned on the computer at night when I went home and found that the order was empty. The order has been liquidated. And the record shown to me by the platform, the opening and closing of positions is an ip, but the log of closing positions cannot be found on my computer. I have contacted an account manager and sent an email complaint to the platform, but I have not received any official response. If I close the position myself and it is a profitable order, I will not take the time to appeal to the platform. But my order has been manipulated and tampered privately. I definitely cannot accept it. The back-end traders know best whether they have manipulated the order. After this matter dragged on for more than a week without any response, I was frustrated and I submitted the withdrawal on January 20. The payment was deducted on the 22nd. It has been 15 days and it hasn’t arrived. I have to wait five times. The account arrived in a day or two, and I did not wait for the money to arrive in the end. I asked the platform for the remittance voucher, and the platform was unwilling to give it. This made me suspect that the platform was suspected of fraud, but in fact there was no remittance. I have no way to trust the platform for this series of actions of the platform, I can only expose you. Please return all the money and my principal lost from tampering with my list. (The picture shows the gold empty log 1.7-1.9, and there is no closing log)

Unable to Withdraw

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