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2020-05-25 14:20 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

After causing forced liquidation, the agent blocked clients.

With the attitude of learning, I have observed for a while in the group. The assistant Jia Jia posted teacher’s recommendation on stock trading—position building and selling. Teacher Wang Xiang and master manager Liu and Ji taught lesson every night. On the next morning, they took members to build position. Seeing they making money, I moved. Jia Jia noticed that the second stage needs us to become VIP and use margin accounts. Thus, I opened an account and bound it to my bank card. On her guidance, I profited 20 thousand yuan and extra 4000 thorough several recommended shares. The platform stipulated that 18 yuan rollover will be charged per 10 thousand yuan. Finding that the profit these days remained stable, I doubted that whether teachers manipulated on the stock. At this time, Jia Jia told us that we get an extra opportunity to but the new share.On 18th, I deposited 20 thousand into the margin account, bringing the total to 180 thousand. The price went to a limit down. But Jia told that the position wouldn’t be closed and asked me to add fund. Then my position became liquidated, with all fund gone. My balance became -27275 yuan. Jia explained that someone leaked the information of the stock. To recover the loss, they promised add the quote of the share, asking us to continue adding fund. At that time, I realized that it was a bottomless pit. The only goal is to rip us off.This is my experience. During the process, I was pulled into 3 group, namely, C.04 Dingyao Gathering, Core Dingyao Gathering and Dingyao Gathering—Internal Operation. I deposited 180 thousand in total(deposited 200 thousand and withdrew 20 thousand) and bought the recommended share. As of May 18th, my account has become negative. Notice: The platform will block you after your account becomes liquidated. With the excuse of recovering losses, it will continue to ask you to add fund. Hope CWSI solve it if it blames on the agent. If it blames on the platform, I caution you against it.


The following is the original recommendation


本着学习股票知识的态度,我开始在群里一直观望。每天助理佳佳都在群里通知老师推荐的股票建仓和卖出,每天晚上的课堂王祥老师和游资大佬“纪总”、“刘总”都会给大家讲课,分析股市走向,推荐牛股,第二天上午带大家盘中建仓。我看到有不少人在老师和助理的指导下“买入牛股”晒出账户盈利的照片,不免心动。这时候,助理佳佳在群里通知王祥老师股市盈利的计划,分为四个阶段,第二阶段要用VIP通道打新股,百分百盈利,但是要用融资账户,在群里推荐了“中达证券”的平台,让大家下载并开户。助理推荐我也开户,我看到不少参与的人都把打新股盈利翻倍的照片晒到群里,禁不住诱惑,在助理佳佳的指导下注册了融资账户,绑定了银行卡,并在佳佳的指导下打新股,盈利了2万元。并购买他们推荐的几只股票,盈利4000元。因为平台规则是除了建仓费和手续费外,每天收取留仓费,每万元收18元。我发现几天下来留仓费账户盈利基本持平,觉得平台是不是王祥老师他们操纵股票,看似挣了钱,但平台以留仓费的名义又扣掉了。但是又发现普通股票账户买不进去他们提供的打新股的股票,而融资账户却可以买进,觉得他们有可信度。这时候,助理佳佳在群里通知大家王祥老师和机构沟通了,可以增加一次打新股的机会,。5月18日一早我又按照助理佳佳的要求汇入了2万到融资账户,前后一共汇入18万本金。上午一开盘,这支股票又跌停了。助理佳佳告诉我,封跌停板不会被平仓的,让我再接着汇入信用金,可是我还没来及汇款,就发现账户被强制平仓了,所有的资金都没有了,余额是-27275元。这时,我非常着急,觉得是被骗了,大家在群里问助理佳佳是怎么回事,助理说王祥老师和纪总在开紧急会,在想办法。说是有人泄露了操作的这支股票,导致其他资金和散户也迈入,现在资金被监控了,暂时没办法操作。为了帮大家减少损失,这周带大家再打新股,可以给大家增加份额,让大家继续注资到融资账户。这时候,我已经意识到,这真的是无底洞,是他们自己在股市操纵个股,号称和散户集体坐庄,诱导大家不断注资到融资平台,最终的结果是让散户亏得倾家荡产。以上是我受骗的经过。在这个过程中,我开始先被拉进“C.04鼎耀聚散成庄群”,然后被助理佳佳拉进“CA鼎耀聚散成庄核心群”,最后被拉进群“鼎耀聚散成庄内部操作群”。综上所述,我4月份以来先后在助理佳佳的指导下,先后4次往中达证券的融资账户汇入共计18万元,(总计汇入20万元,5月12日提现2万元),在她的指令下买入他们操作的郎博科技(接盘票)个股,到5月18日账户变成了负数 。特别注明:该平台保证收益,专门推荐接盘票,爆仓了就拉黑,说的是补亏方案,然后就是要你入金更多,在给接盘票你,该平台吃相太丑,如果是代理行为,希望平台能协助解决,如果是平台行为,希望大家远离该平台!!

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