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2023-01-18 19:18 نشر في تايلاند تايلاند

Capital Withdrawal Mechanism

withdraw money But still did not receive the amount of money that was withdrawn, asked the customer service system, got the same answer, waited as before, inquired at the bank that received the international money transfer, there would be no information about the transaction of money waiting for international transfers. nothing confirmed It's like cheating. When a problem arises, let the AI ​​system answer only the same words. The beneficiary bank came here because it is a scam of this platform. When someone transfers to play, it's very convenient, but whoever is fooled to transfer here, don't get profit or withdraw money, it will share with the director's system. Lots of money to make us bored and don't want to do it by ourselves because there is no system to try to accept customers. The implication is that capital is a scam platform, don't be fooled into playing. Wasting free money and wasting many opportunities

غير قادر على السحب

التالي هو التوصية الأصلية

ระบบกลโกลการถอนเงินของ capital

withdraw money
But still did not receive the amount of money that was withdrawn, asked the customer service system, got the same answer, waited as before, inquired at the bank that received the international money transfer, there would be no information about the transaction of money waiting for international transfers.
nothing confirmed
It's like cheating.
When a problem arises, let the AI ​​system answer only the same words.

The beneficiary bank came here because it is a scam of this platform.
When someone transfers to play, it's very convenient, but whoever is fooled to transfer here, don't get profit or withdraw money, it will share with the director's system. Lots of money to make us bored and don't want to do it by ourselves because there is no system to try to accept customers.
The implication is that capital is a scam platform, don't be fooled into playing.
Wasting free money and wasting many opportunities

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