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2022-11-02 21:01 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

The platform deceives the agent and forcibly transfers the client under the agent

I worked as an agent in GKFX for a period of time, and all the customers developed by myself were forcibly transferred to the account manager of the platform to be an agent. The customer service for withdrawals on this platform does not respond. The withdrawal time cannot be known. The account manager can't develop the customer to forcibly turn the user under the agent into the agent phone to communicate with me. I have made it clear with the official uniform that it is impossible to agree to the customer under my agent as an agent. And insisted that I agreed. I checked that there was no phone recording. All the clients who became an agency developer got them all. Junk platform. The former account manager revealed (who has left) that the domestic customer service department is outsourced. The headquarters is not in the UK, the boss is Chinese, and the licenses are all decks. The headquarters has always been in Malaysia. The boss's operation idea is to change the route of cutting leeks. The best thing to do on this platform is to be careful. When you can withdraw money, withdraw money as soon as possible, while you can get it now. Now Jiekai is ready to change its name and name: fairmarket ask their account manager. Said to be a newly purchased platform by the group, and the GK group was also replaced by the trive group. Said to be a group reorganization. It's all nonsense. Is it necessary for a platform that is developing better and better to be reduced to account managers to turn all the clients under the agency into agents? Even the customer withdraws 8,000 US dollars. Transfer more money. And also ask customers to turn back. Don't know how to fool customers. Brothers who saw the content of this complaint also reported each other in any case to prevent more Hui friends from entering the trick.


The following is the original recommendation

平台坑骗代理 强行转走代理下客户

在捷凯做了一段时间代理,自己开发的客户全部给平台的客户经理强行转去做代理了。这平台出金客服不回复。无法知道出金时间。客户经理自己开发不出客户 强行把代理下的用户转成代理 电话跟我沟通,我跟官服已经明确了不可能同意我代理下的客户成代理。并且一口咬定我同意了。就查没有做电话录音。做个代理开发的客户 全给他们弄去了。垃圾平台。 居前客户经理透露(已经离职),国内客服部门是外包出去的。本部不在英国,老板是华人,牌照都是套牌。本部一直在马来西亚。老板的运营思路是转变割韭菜的路线,做这个平台的最好是小心了。能出金赶紧出金 ,趁现在能出的了的时候。现在捷凯已经做好了更名换姓的准备 名为:fairmarket 问他们客户经理。说是集团新买的平台,GK集团也换成trive集团。说是集团重组。都是瞎扯淡,一个发展越来越好的平台 至于沦落到客户经理去把所有代理下的客户转为代理的必要吗。甚至客户出金都有取8000美金。转钱多转了。并且还要求客户回转回去。不知道怎么忽悠的客户。看到此投诉内容的兄弟们也有什么案例都相互举报一下,避免更多的汇友入坑。

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