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2021-01-08 15:06 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Sehngtian Wang scams with the fraud platform, WEINIAN

On November 12, 2020, I received a call (17085201629), claiming to be the customer service of Ping An Securities, inviting me to join a stock exchange group. At the beginning, I was in the WeChat group (shares to Jinlai 111). Wang Shengtian shared stock knowledge and recommended stocks every day .

Later, the WeChat group was blocked and moved to the QQ group (Ren Ding Sheng Tian 368). On December 8, 2020, everyone was tricked into buying Beijing Career at the daily limit, with the reputation of deploying "hetian" big bull stocks. As a result, after buying, it continued to fall, claiming that the stock market is not good. It is necessary to lead everyone to make bitcoin T+0 transactions to make money quickly, and to clear the stock market, all funds are invested in the currency market, and the account opening specialist will guide the registered account to download the transaction software.

Starting to do Bitcoin on December 21, 2020, and disband the large group, and set up a small group of 30 people (Trader Training Camp 703). Afterwards, I realized that I was the only victim in the group, and the others were all childcare. Post screenshots of making money in the group and chat about everyday life. The first few days were indeed profitable, and the stock market losses were made up within three days. I believe Wang Shengtian's words even more.

On December 24, 2020, with the help of Christmas, Wang Shengtian held a Jinpingbei support event, that is, a recharge of 30,000 U.S. dollars and a gift of 30,000 U.S. dollars, a recharge of 50,000 U.S. dollars and a gift of 50,000 U.S. dollars, and so on. I made a large amount of gold during this period, and the total recharge was nearly 700,000 yuan. The bonus also arrived quickly, so I trusted the other party more, but I didn't know that I couldn't withdraw the money later.

At 8:11 pm on December 28, 2020, under the double reed performance of Wang Shengtian and Long Haichen, many people followed Shan Long Haichen and caused the account to be liquidated. As far as I am concerned, the position was not heavy at the time, less than 30%. Obviously, it was manually controlled. The account is cleared after liquidation. Also in the afternoon of the same day, I once applied for a withdrawal of US$30,000, and later found that the system record indicated "Rejected". Therefore, it is proved that the application for withdrawal is related to this liquidation, and the account is cleared after liquidation to prevent withdrawals.

On December 29, 2020, Wang Shengtian stated that he would clean up the mess due to Long Haichen’s mistakenly bringing the order, and launched a five-fold support plan for users who have liquidated their positions, that is, recharge US$100,000 and give/borrow US$500,000, and recharge US$200,000 as a gift/ Borrow 1 million US dollars, and so on. Trick everyone to continue to recharge into gold.

On December 30, 2020, I found out that I couldn’t withdraw cash. Ou Lin’s assistant explained that the account was locked because of the gift/loan from Wang Shengtian, and the account could be unlocked after paying back the money. To delay running time.

On December 31, 2020, Wang Shengtian announced in the live broadcast room that he won the champion of the Huashan Swordsmanship Competition. Assistant Olin suggested that the account could be escrowed to Wang Shengtian's professional traders, who would make the order and return the account after receiving five times the income. So he told the assistant Olin the account password.

At 8pm on January 2, 2021, the escrow account was only two days away, and it was discovered that an order was shorted in the reverse direction, and the position was bought in full, and the position was deliberately liquidated. The account is cleared again.

On the afternoon of January 3, 2021, the QQ group was disbanded. Wang Shengtian, Olin, and everyone in the group retreated. The avatar collectively turned gray and no reply was sent to the message. The WeChat with the two group friends was blocked by the other party. Sending a message shows rejection.

Wang Shengtian-Huashan Lunjian-Bitcoin scam routines emerge in an endless stream. In summary: lure investment, background manipulation, inability to withdraw money, abnormal liquidation, and account clearing. The scammers have superb knowledge of stock investment. They give lectures in the live broadcast room and take orders on the spot. The A-share stock picking basically has an 80% winning rate. The currency market has no misses. The background interface of the live broadcast live operation is exactly the same as the deceived user. , The online lecture lasts for two to three months, and the authenticity is extremely high. To this day, scammers are still rampant, and there are countless search QQ group trader training camps. I hope everyone will take a warning and stop being fooled.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation













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