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Malaysia|5-10 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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YLDEducational-Server 01 MT5
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+60 87 43 00 17
Unit 3A-23A Level 3A Labuan Times Square Jalan Merdeka, 87000 FT Labuan, Malaysia


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-06-11
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The MalaysiaLFSA regulation (license number: MB/21/0069) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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YLD FX · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country Malaysia
Company Name YLD FX Ltd.
Regulation Cloned License
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
Tradable Assets Stocks, Indices, Forex, Cryptocurrencies
Customer Support Telephone: +60 87 43 00 17, Email:


YLD FX Ltd., based in Malaysia, offers trading services purportedly regulated by Malaysia's LFSA with License Number MB/21/0069, though concerns have been raised regarding the authenticity of this regulation, suggesting a potential clone or counterfeit situation. The company provides access to a variety of tradable assets, including stocks, indices, forex, and cryptocurrencies, through the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform. Customer support is available via telephone at +60 87 43 00 17 and email at, although information on the website is limited. Traders considering engagement with YLD FX should proceed with caution, conducting thorough research and due diligence due to uncertainties surrounding its regulatory status and limited available information.



The regulation purportedly issued by Malaysia's LFSA (License Number: MB/21/0069) for the broker YLD FX is being flagged as potentially cloned or counterfeit, indicating a significant risk for potential investors. This raises concerns about the legitimacy and reliability of the broker's operations and regulatory compliance. Traders are advised to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with YLD FX or any other entity operating under similar circumstances, as the authenticity and credibility of the claimed regulation remain in question.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
  • Diverse Market Instruments
  • Suspected Cloned or Counterfeit Regulation
  • Access to MetaTrader 5 Platform
  • Regulatory Uncertainty Raises Concerns
  • Multi-Device Compatibility
  • Limited Information on Website
  • Customer Support Services

Trading with YLD FX provides traders with access to a diverse range of market instruments and the powerful MetaTrader 5 platform, offering flexibility and advanced trading tools. However, concerns surrounding the authenticity of its regulatory status and limited information on its website raise significant red flags, urging potential investors to proceed with caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with the brokerage.

Market Instruments

YLD FX offers a diverse range of market instruments for traders, including:

  1. Stocks: Investors can trade stocks, representing ownership shares in publicly traded companies, allowing them to participate in the performance and potential dividends of these companies.

  2. Indices: YLD FX provides opportunities to trade indices, which are portfolios of stocks representing a particular market or sector. This enables investors to speculate on broader market movements rather than individual stocks.

  3. Forex (Foreign Exchange): Traders can engage in forex trading, where they buy and sell currency pairs, speculating on the relative strength or weakness of one currency against another.

  4. Cryptocurrencies: YLD FX facilitates trading in cryptocurrencies, which are digital or virtual currencies secured by cryptography. This allows investors to capitalize on the price movements of various cryptocurrencies on the market.

By offering these market instruments, YLD FX caters to a wide range of traders with different investment preferences and risk tolerances, providing them with access to various asset classes within a single trading platform. However, potential investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research due to concerns about the authenticity of YLD FX's regulatory status.

Market Instruments

Trading Platforms

YLD FX offers the widely acclaimed MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, a comprehensive and versatile trading platform that empowers traders with advanced features and tools for efficient trading. MT5 provides access to various financial markets, including forex, stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies, all from a single interface. With its user-friendly design and customizable layout, traders can tailor the platform to suit their preferences and trading strategies. MT5 boasts a wide range of technical analysis tools, including built-in indicators, charting capabilities, and automated trading functionalities through Expert Advisors (EAs). Additionally, MT5 offers enhanced execution speeds, allowing for swift order execution and minimal latency. The platform's multi-device compatibility enables traders to access their accounts seamlessly from desktops, web browsers, and mobile devices, ensuring flexibility and convenience. Overall, YLD FX's provision of the MT5 platform underscores its commitment to offering traders a cutting-edge trading experience with access to a diverse array of financial instruments and powerful trading tools.

Trading Platforms

Customer Support

YLD FX Ltd. provides customer support services to assist traders with their inquiries, concerns, and technical issues. The company's customer support can be reached via multiple channels, including telephone and email.

  1. Telephone Support: Traders can contact YLD FX's customer support team by dialing +60 87 43 00 17. This direct line allows for real-time communication with knowledgeable representatives who can address various trading-related queries or issues promptly.

  2. Email Support: For non-urgent inquiries or detailed assistance, traders can reach out to YLD FX's customer support via email at This email channel enables traders to communicate their questions or concerns in writing, allowing for comprehensive responses from the support team.

Additionally, YLD FX's customer support team likely provides assistance in multiple languages to accommodate traders from diverse backgrounds and regions. They may offer support during regular business hours, ensuring accessibility and responsiveness to traders' needs.

However, traders should exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of the provided contact information, as there have been concerns raised regarding the authenticity of YLD FX's regulatory status. Conducting thorough research and due diligence is advisable before engaging with the company's customer support or trading services.

Customer Support


In summary, YLD FX presents traders with a wide array of market instruments, including stocks, indices, forex, and cryptocurrencies, through the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform. Despite its provision of advanced trading tools and customer support services, concerns regarding the legitimacy of its regulatory status cast doubt on the reliability of its operations. While the platform offers convenience and flexibility, potential investors are urged to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with YLD FX or similar entities. Verifying the authenticity of regulatory claims and seeking additional information beyond the limited details provided on its website is crucial to making informed decisions about trading with YLD FX.


Q1: Is YLD FX regulated?

A1: YLD FX claims to be regulated by Malaysia's LFSA (License Number: MB/21/0069), but this regulation is suspected to be cloned or counterfeit, raising concerns about its legitimacy.

Q2: What market instruments does YLD FX offer?

A2: YLD FX provides access to stocks, indices, forex, and cryptocurrencies, catering to a diverse range of traders with different investment preferences.

Q3: What trading platform does YLD FX offer?

A3: YLD FX offers the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, renowned for its comprehensive features, customizable interface, and accessibility across multiple devices.

Q4: How can I contact YLD FX's customer support?

A4: Traders can reach YLD FX's customer support team via telephone at +60 87 43 00 17 or through email at for assistance with inquiries or technical issues.

Q5: Should I trade with YLD FX?

A5: Due to concerns about the authenticity of its regulatory status, traders are advised to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with YLD FX or any similar brokerage.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

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This is the kind of broker we can use for a long time, in my opinion. As one of the most innovative trading platforms, they can ensure maximum return and provides an opportunity for individuals to get financial freedom.
2023-03-08 11:33
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